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Sunday Weigh In

This section will be used for reporting your WEIGHT LOSS to the group each Sunday. If you care to share, where you are to your overall weight loss goal, that's good too!

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222 Replies

March 11, 2014

Weighed when i got in from Philly and hadn't lost a pound. Maybe i'll concentrate on it more this week. Go for second opinion today and will ask about gall bladder and weight. Love y'all!!

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I actually lost 4.5 pounds this week totalling 10.5 pounds. Am not having gallbladder surgery and had to put my dog to sleep yesterday. The bronchitis is not letting up but has certainly been helpful with my appetite. It was out of control because of the steroids but have been thru a lot this week and the water certainly is helpful. Love y'all and welcome, Phyllis!!

I have 29 pounds left to lose but my shrink told me that I had only gained 7 pounds since quitting smoking, and I felt like it was so much more. Onward to drinking water.

A couple of people have been interested in a meditation/hypnosis CD I'm using called The WEIGHT Is OVER. It's by Roberta Shapiro and I just love her voice. Anyway you get your money's worth. It's meditation, affirmations, and hypnosis. It has truly helped me with my appetite and the way I eat. She's a renowned hypnotherapist. Got mine from Amazon.

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Sunday 3/16

Well, I have lost another 2 1/2 lbs. That means I have another 11 lbs to go. Still doing alot of walking but the amazing thing is that because of my weight loss the doctor lowered my blood pressure medicine again. Now I am just on 5mg instead of 20. Maybe I can stop taking it, once I get down to the weight the doctor wants. That would be great! Long weekend and I will be glad when its over. Hope everyone has a great none smoking day. XOXO

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@Judy!! Great news about your blood pressure AND weight loss!!

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Lost 2.4 lb

Congratulations Candy and Judy!

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Candy, good job on the weight loss this week! I am so sorry about Boo Boo. What did the doc say that made you decide against the gall bladder surgery? I'm glad you don't have to do the surgery!

Judy and Shawn, excellent losers! I need to read about your accomplishments and get inspired to get back to counting calories.

I'm having a hard time sticking to healthy eating! It's like I don't really want to deal with it right now...I started out fine, but this winter has taken a toll on my normally good spirits. Tonight we will be getting more snow!! I have had enough winter to last the rest of my life.  

But, I know I want to lose this 10 pounds! I just can't get enthusiastic about anything these days. I keep telling myself, when spring arrives I will put this at the top of my priority list....but, will spring ever actually arrive? 🙂

I drink at least 64 oz. of water everyday....But, I've been eating too much pasta, so DUH what did I do yesterday when I went to Sam's? I bought 6 pounds of dry penne pasta so I could make some more pasta dishes! But, I did buy a ton of different types of veggies that I can toss in with a little pasta and a splash of  olive oil and spices...

I think Sharon talked about needing to do better meal planning. I think I will sit down this afternoon and write a meal plan for this week....hope that will motivate me, I sure need something to pep me up!

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No gain-No loss this week but I overdid on breads several meals. Normally I feel guilty and just say to heck with it but this time feels more like a lifelong journey. If I make a misstep I'll just get my bearings and get back on the track.                    

Unlike our quit journey where 1 cig CAN kill us, on our diet journey one extra piece of bread won't.

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Hello everyone,

Well, the same....I just basically stay the same.

I exercise, I have a descent diet, I am a big fan of veggies and fruit...

I can see the difference a bit in the husband notices...BUT the scale does not move...

My story is "It must be muscle" ; )

It really has become a joke in my house....that the scale doesn't move for, I guess....I will keep plugging away...

Judy:  That is sooooo awesome about your BP med's, love hearing things like that!

Candy:  Glad you don't have to have surgery....very sorry about your dog, I once had a dog named BOO-BOO....they are our family, once again very sorry.

Shawn: That's a nice number; one I think I will never see....LMBO...congrats to you thou !

Moody: I have always heard the last 10 pounds are the hardest....Spring will surely do you, and everyone good....stay positive, sounds like you have a good plan!!

Yup Phyllis....I hear ya here....but you have me thinking of bread....I eat a sandwich every work day....maybe I'll try to ditch that (althou it is whole wheat) gain is good, that's how I'm looking at it.

I have cut back on my Pepsi.  The thing with me is that I get HUNGRY, and I must eat then....the majority of what I eat is extremely, I'm just shaking my head, and thinking that one day I'll step on the scale & it will actually the meantime, my family is rolling on the floor in laughter...hahaa

Hope you all have a great week!!!

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I don't know how you gals with families do it. I mean--I plan out my meals and try to eat healthy and its just me! I control what I eat! I only buy what I can eat--so I haven't got anything else in the house to temp me. I remember what it was like when I tried to eat healthy with my family around--I mean you could never fix what everybody liked. So here's to you gals whether or not you lost weight this week!! Congrats on you desire to eat better and have healthy meals for your family. You are all winners in my book!


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Hi all!   I didn't even get on the puter yesterday so playing catch up today.

I lost 2.2 # on Diet Bet, going to use the same measure for here and there.   

But here's the thing.....the last few days I'm am SO UNMOTIVATED!    And I know it is cuz I ate sugar so now I'm back on that track.

Today (Monday) is a new day.     Sweets are out of the house, no plans for going out to eat (I went out Thurs, Fri, Sat & Sun) and will firm up eating plan today for the rest of this week.

Why, oh why, oh why........

Candy, I"m going to order that cd today.....


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