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Sunday Weigh In

This section will be used for reporting your WEIGHT LOSS to the group each Sunday. If you care to share, where you are to your overall weight loss goal, that's good too!

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222 Replies

Starting over this week.     Unfortunately I gained 2 while in Orlando so that increases what I need to lose!           Judy, I want to be like you!!!

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I lost 1.5 this week. Totalling 13.1. 

@ Candy, you can't help what you're going through. Don't get discouraged.

@ Judy...Hooray for you!!!

@Sharon..that happens. You were enjoying you time away. 

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Shawn, you're rocking this losing! I'm not moving the scale. I began to seriously watch calories about 4 weeks ago. Like quitting smoking, I had a learning curve to go through with losing weight. I had been the same weight for so many years and felt pretty good as far as weight, but those 15 pounds I gained when quitting smoking will be slow to shed. I gained 'em fast though!!

From my starting point I've lost 5 of the 15. So, I like to look at it this way, I'm 1/3 of the way to my goal. 🙂

I know what I need to do to lose more, it's called get off my butt and move. So, starting 2/17/14, each day I'll walk, no matter what the weather. You know, I've used weather as an EXcuse long enough.

Good quitting and losing to everyone this coming week!

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Congratulations on the weight loss ladies!! I am unable to weigh in this week as there isn't a scale in the hotel room! I will be back next week! 🙂 Keep ROCKIN' the weight loss! 🙂
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Thanks Moody but really this is first time i am rocking it as the other years gave up too quickly once a plateau was reached. Its easy to get discouraged. I am trying to look at it with a different perspective than other times. I want to eat healthier but not giving up fully what . Different portions plus arranging the other part of the  day is the key. Not to mention exercising it off especially when you know there is high calories for that day. Counting and measuring really makes a difference.

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Everybody is doing just great. Sharon don't you worry--now get to work and show us how it's done. Shawn your just rolling along and Moody--only 10 more lbs WOW. Candy I think 8.5 lbs. is great and probably after you talk to your  Doctor he will think so too. Anyway love ya all and I am going to take a little rest now (LOL) been a long couple of days.

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Sorry I forgot to do my weigh in yesterday.  I started at 165 and am now 162 1/2 so lost 1 1/2 lbs this week.  Slow but steady I guess.

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Thats a great loss Louise. Be proud!!! every bit counts. If you want more of a visual, go lift a 1 lb 1/2 of butter of something else that equals to that. We look at the numbers but when we actually feel it, it makes a difference. Less that you have to carry around.

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Lost 1.5 pounds this week and I'm determined to keep it up!! Because of my hernia, my stomach isn't going down. But, IT WILL!! I'm determined and the doctor said that because my balance has gotten worse that I can't work out at Curves so I will use Shawn's chair exercises. I have weights for my hands and ankles. SO THERE!!  I WILL PREVAIL!!!!!

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Sunday 02/23/14

Well I gained a lb this week. Other than that I am doing ok just real real real busy. Have a great smoke free day today everyone.

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