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Sunday Weigh In

This section will be used for reporting your WEIGHT LOSS to the group each Sunday. If you care to share, where you are to your overall weight loss goal, that's good too!

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222 Replies

Down one lb. for a total of 7.  Slow, slow, slow.  Wish the weather would change so i can get out and do some walking.  Only made it to the rec center twice last week.  Its so hard to get/keep motivated when I work 45 hours a week and have both my kids(23 and 20)still at home too and everyone one wants different stuff to eat.  Throwing a little pity party for myself can't you tell.  COME ON SPRING!!

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I tried to post this yesterday but my computer was acting up. I lost  a little over 3# in a little over 2 weeks I think I have to be satisfied with that. I start trying 1200 cal/day but wasn't feeling well so boosted it up to 1300ish. I am pretty sedentary due to my copd and joint problems and I am 55. I know the wt will come off a little slower than in my younger years. When Spring is here for good and with not smoking as well as strenthening exercises through physical therapy I hope to be able to walk more. I hear it's healthier to lose slow and steady anyway. I have 35 # to go. Calorie count predicts I will lose it be Nov. and spark people say July. Witchever is fine with me.


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Well finally I have something good to report on the weigh-in day....

The scale says I've lost 2.8 pounds and I also lost an inch off of my waist....

Strange thing is due to a cold, half of the week I didn't exercise....I also had some chips, pizza and ice cream.....and NOW I lose weight....go figure...

Maybe my system needed to be shaken that it knows that I may give it "goodies" here and is cooperating....

Have a great day people....I'm headed to the treadmill : )

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Morning.   Good for you cheyenne!     I got on the scale and it didn't move!   Neither way!     I've not been a good girl this week so just happy it didn't go up.    But, have to get off the fence here as I will need to weigh in for Dietbet in 2 weeks.      

How's everyone else doing this week?


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Good morning! I am down 2.1 .  I started to drink alittle bit more water the last couple days. Looks like it paid off.

@ Cheyenne...looks like you were on a plateau. Its the like slightest changes like you did that brought you off. Great Job!!!

@ Smorgy....thats still a good report! better to be same than to go opposite way. 

Lets push water, exercise more, watch our food a little bit more this week! This is my pledge hehe!

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I gained 2 pounds this week but not to worry !! Only have 4 more days of steroids!! Have no trouble drinking about 11 glasses of water per day and that seems to help keep my weight down as I have been eating anything that's not nailed down. Not counting calories until the prednisone is GONE!! Love y'all!!

Candy     d194

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Stayed the same this week. Only went to the rec center twice this week. I need to go at least 3 times a week.
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Scale didn't move for me either but I have not made the best choices this week. Time to knuckle down. I drank sweet tea instead of water, can I be addicted to that as well as cigs?

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I am not feeling this weight loss thing. I know I have 10 pounds to lose, but I have been so blue for the past few weeks that I cannot get motivated to make the REAL changes I need in order to lose the extra weight. 

Sunshine helped me feel better yesterday, so spring should help all of us feel better.

I think I need to do what Phyllis suggested and take a couple of weeks and plan, just like when we quit smoking. She has a link on our homepage and I just read it. It made perfect sense! Without a plan I will not reach my goal.

I need to exercise, I think that will help my blue moods I've been having. I wake up everyday between 3:30 and 4am and lay there wishing I could sleep. Then, I finally just get up at 6:30. Since daylight savings time kicked in I am not getting enough sleep. So, I'm thinking if I get more exercise it might just help my sleep situation. Anyways, I need to start dinner....we're having asparagus, long grain wild rice and roasted cornish hens. YUM! 🙂

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Well I couldn't get connect with the internet yesterday at all. I really didn't have time to figure out what was wrong so I just gave up. Work has been so hard the last three days I was just pushing to get through. Now its Monday and went on line and finially got the connection to work. Don't know what was wrong and quite frankly don't care now that it's working.

Yesterday when I weighed myself I found that I was down another 2 lbs, so now I just have 9 more lbs to loss.

For those who don't feel motivated or haven't lost what you wanted this week; remember this--Our main goal is to eat healthy, learn what works for us and listen to our bodies.

When we smoked we didn't really listen or even care about our bodies. Often we didn't eat even when we needed to and fell short sometimes when we over ate.

I am not so much trying to loss weight as I am focusing on eating the food that is good for me. I have read so much conflicting information over the last few weeks about how and what to eat that I kind of feel like i am on overload.

If your discouraged it might have to do with the fact that every diet out there sounds like they know what you need to do to loss weight--but that truly is generic isn't it?

So, I guess what I am trying to say is--Don't get discouraged! We know that we are making the changes needed in our lives and enjoy life! 

I know some have made this a little more serious than they need to. SMILE and LOVE yourself no matter how little you loss or how much>

Have a great smoke free week.


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