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Let's Get Moving Challenge

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Today is a happy day darn it!   I've been smoke free for 38 days today.  I've been on my pity potty just moping around.  I get home from work and lay down and watch television all night.  I sleep the weekend away.   I have no interest in doing anything at all.  Sometimes I don't even want to leave the office because there's nothing to look forward to when I get home.  (I used to sit on my beautiful deck and have a wonderful glass of red wine with my smokes, before I start dinner).  Not anymore.  It's the depression I experience ever time I quit.   For those of you who don't know me, I've quit many times (one time for four years!)  It's like there is simply no more enjoyment in life.  I can't enjoy a glass of wine because it is my number one trigger -- alcohol.  I've learned that lesson  more than once.   I'm far from an alcoholic, but I do enjoy going out and having a few drinks on occasion (in addition to my glass or two of red when I get home).  I haven't had a drink since my quit date of May 1, 2017.   BLAH, BLAH, BLAH...

BUT NOT THIS TIME!!!!!  No, no, no.  This time I'm going to do something different.  I refuse to go down the same road.  What's that famous saying by Einstein?  "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result?"  Well, insanity no more my friends.  I've decided to get off my couch and get my lazy butt moving.  This weekend I'm going to start living an active lifestyle.  I used to enjoy hiking, biking and kayaking and I do none of it anymore.  Everybody says that one of the best things for depression is getting outside and exercising.  Spring and sprung and there is no better time than now to start this challenge.

I'm looking for fellow Ex'ers to join me in my activity challenge.    I'm calling it the "Let's Get Moving" Challenge because I hate the word exercise.  Not only do I hate the word, I hate actually exercising.  LOL.  But really, all joking aside, I really do hate it.  But, I know it's the best thing for me.  I don't want to fail again.  I will fail if I don't try something different to get me out of this funk.

So, I challenge all of you to join me.  I'm going to try to "get moving" at least 4 times a week.  I'll stay accountable to all of you, which in turn will make me accountable to myself.  I promise to post my accomplishments and I welcome you to do the same.  Now that it should be easier for us to breathe, whadda-ya-say?  Do you want to take this journey with me?  Any activity counts, as long as you get off your butt and get your heart pumping.  Who knows, maybe we'll lose a little weight or a couple of inches in the meantime.

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Good night, hit 10924 steps 4.95 Miles.  Going to bed on that note. I am feeling good. 


Man, y'all are making me tempted to go Walmart and get m'self a fit bit.  But then you probably have it connected to your cell phone.  Forget THAT.  A cell phone in our house is for travelling or long distance calls only.  It's off 90% of the day.  And we're happy about that actually.  It's not the amount of steps I take in a day, it's the amount of days I take as steps to greater wisdom.    


I did free weights and chair aerobics yesterday for a total of 30 minutes. That's my personal goal - 30 minutes a day. Sunday I walked in place for 40 minutes, ten minutes at a time. Today I'm walking the beach. Hearing all your great successes is both encouraging and daunting to to me, so I may be laying a bit low on this thread. I'm still cheering for you, and giving it my best, but maybe from the sidelines on this thread. Keep it up!


My  Fitbit is NOT synced to my flip phone (tee-hee) which,  like yours, is used for  emergencies, meet-ups and the like.  It is synced to my laptop.  I wanted it because I was curious how many steps I did in my normal day.  I can actually only get to 10,000 if I am doing yard work or go for an actual walk.  Without those I do about 6,000.  I found myself marching in place while washing my face and brushing my teeth to get to 10,000 if I was close at bedtime!  I do like the challenge each day!


No, No, NO!

This is NOT a competition!  We all are at different levels and are doing our best just to keep moving.  I am proud of 5,000 steps when I was doing 10,000 plus before the broken leg!

Be proud of what you CAN do!  We are all rooting for you to do YOUR best - for that day and moment in time.  I am taking a break from yard work today because I need more mulch and I am not up to lugging today.  My personal best today may not measure up to ANYBODY's!

Please stay with us - I will miss you if you go!



I have a doc's appointment today and that will pretty much take most of the day but I will get in some shopping at a little strip mall over there...and tomorrow, I have a morning appointment for my aqua therapy.  It's not going to be nice weather for outdoor pool work outs so that will have to do...along with some weights at home.


.Not only do they count steps. They monitor your heart rate. Gives coaching ideas. Training tips. Count calories burned. And diagnose your sleep pattern. Advice when to hydrate. AND It can be fun for some. If you want to count steps there is this thing called a pedometer.


Whatever you do is fine. As long as you are MOVING. good job and high five.


I have mine synced to my cell phone and tablet.  I never thought of the laptop.  I will see if I can do that.  I don't have a fitbit I have a jawbone tracker.


Hmmmm, now I'm getting tempted to have a fitbit/jawbone... whatever, knowing I can sync it to my computer.  Cool!

c2q‌  Pati, don't you DARE lay low here.  30 minutes of chair aerobics and free weights and you're daunted by US?   Some days brushing our teeth is the only exercise we may get!  And when we lose them all, our exercise will be shoving in dentures!