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My name is Kelley. I just set my quit date for July 31st, 2021. I smoked cigarettes for 43 years. I stopped cigarettes in December 2020 and switched to a juul. (I thought this was a healthy option. Boy!! Was I wrong). I recently changed my entire lifestyle to eating whole and healthy and I go to the fitness studio 6-7 × per week. I've lost 50 lbs and I feel great about myself for what I've achieved, so far. My last goal (and for me the hardest) is quitting vaping. So here I am. I would love any suggestions and/or support anyone has to offer. Thank you for accepting me into this group.🙂



8 Replies

Welcome to EX   

You have come to the right place for aupport. if you are making the decision to commit to quit smoking.  At EX our resolve is to never smoke again.  NOPE “Not one puff ever.”  I suggest that you follow the steps on the web site pages along with reading, writing, studying, researching and blogging if you like.

This is all about you and what you are willing to do to be a nonsmoker. I used Wellbutrin as an aid for 90 days.  It helped but I also had to develop new skills to not smoke.  If you haven’t read it or have not been informed read  Allen Carr’s book, “Easy Way to Quit Smoking”. It is in pdf on the web  It is an easy suggested  Also check out  There is a lot of additional beneficial information to read and study.  Look for Freedom From Nicotine My Journey Home and Nicotine Addiction 101. Both were extremely helpful for me.  Stay close to the site and learn, ask questions. Read the blogs and most of all enjoy your commitment to quit smoking.

If you should need something to do here is a link that will help


If you take the time to do the workyou can have the same success here. 

You c


Thank you so much. I will be using every bit of information and resources you offered me.

      Thank you again,


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Thank you,


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@Kelleymom1207  That's great.  We'll be here for you.


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Welcome to the Ex.  @Kelleymom1207  From the vapers on this site, it does sound like it is harder to quit vaping.  I'm suspect the availability has to something to do with it.  When your a  smoker, you have to delay gratification until you can find a location to smoke.

But they're both nicotine addictions, so the same principles apply.  Educate yourself about nicotine addiction and create a quit plan with the tools you'll use and the new associations you'll create instead of vaping.  These two steps, with the addiction of the support on this site, finally made it possible for me.  I smoke for 50 years, so it can be done. 

Are you planning on using an aid or quitting cold turkey?  I used Welbutrin and nicotrol inhalers.  Whatever you decide, we're here to support you on your journey.




I'm going to try chantix.(Dr. recommended) and use all the resources you all have to offer with great appreciation.

           Thank you very much,



I just realized it's your quit date! How's it going? And, congratulations!

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Another good book to read, though it is not really about quitting smoking (though the author DID quit, and uses it as an example a few times throughout) is Badass Habits, by Jen Sincero. She talks about replacing bad habits with good ones. Now, I know nicotine addiction is way more than a habit, but habits (smoking with coffee, smoking on breaks at work, etc) are hard to break and this book is a good tool for your toolbox.

Everybody else has great suggestions, you will do wonderfully 🙂

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