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John's Living Room

Check out my progress here



My start weight for March = 260.4 lbs.

My long term (1 year) Goal = Maintain 200 - 210 lb wt average without smoking.

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155 Replies

Hi Shawn, It was exactly the same as smoking.

1) I was doing so good I deserved to treat myself

2) Wife was gone, hence laying around all day, hence being bored.

3) My heatlth commitment deadline was the next day... fear.

Unless you are a monk, most of us will not be able to "not binge" from time to time but from an awareness perspective we can decrease the frequency, amount and longevity of a binge. (I did not order pizza nor did I continue my binge the next day and left over pizza may have been the trigger for that)

Good question, Thanks for asking. & UR welcome. 

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True about the pizza.  If you would order pizza, maybe ordering a person pan where you dont have leftovers? or having lean cuisine french bread onhand in case one of those times arise? Stay busy too when alone 🙂 i know that we will have our times, its life and it doesn't all change in one day or weeks. We do become more aware of our actions. It reminds me when i  first joined this site and used the cigarette tracker and  keeping  that emergency kit on hand. wow these are the ah ha moments of how our food and smoking addictions are alike. MInd over matter, we can do this and my saying since i first quit, "together we can"

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Did you move the cupcakes here.  And pizza now dang I just had fish and spinach.

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Good evening, everyone!! I am definitely tired of reading but am delighted to know so much more about you. I'll read again tomorrow and put my two cents worth in. John, you're outstanding for carrying the group. Top notch group!!

Good night!!       Candy      77     DOF

Donna, hope your headache is better, and all of you are in my prayers!!

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WELCOME CANDYLANCE YAAAY! Can't wait to come visit you in your "Living Room" AND 77 DOF...That is wonderful! WTG

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It is Monday, YAAY (only 4 days till Friday). You all have been thanking me for puttung a lot of time into this group and I have; but you all have supplied the energy so thank you! 

Think about it, We are the ELDERS of this group. Like it or not, while this group is small and intimate we will forge and shape this group together. 

The website dynamic of (the groups) have no structure. That's what I've been working so hard on before more new members join. I think one of the best things we did was invent the "Living Rooms" It allows us a cute and (effective) way to get people to start thier own pages so we can easily interact with each other.

Not only are we practicing and supporting each other, we are building a house together from a pile of 2x4's. 

All this was a prelude to our next room addition. Read next comment. See ya in a moment. 

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Not a room addition, a parking lot instead. 

On the Main Page of this group we had a place to blog. Giulia said, "The blogs used to be private to the group only". Whatever site administrator decided to change that feature and allow group blogs to go out to the community, really messed up the power of the group. 

I got rid of the blog feature because it was basically useless and confusing. If we wanted the whole community to be invoved, we could just blog on the main site.(Eventually I'm going to talk to the administrators about this, get a community petition going or something) 

Also On the Main Page, We currently have a "COMMENT SECTION" at th. e lower part of the page. It's not being utilized. It reminds of an empty parking lot of a floundering business.... every now and then someone pulls in and then then we go out and say hi and so on. WE COULD HAVE A WEEKLY (GROUP) DISCUSSION on one specific idea or topic.there every week! We still use our living rooms for our personal journeys.

We do not need to keep old posts there. For the most part they are used up. I save everything. Have you seen the topic "History of archived / obsolete discussions". Peoples words are important so I save them all in this topic page. It's not organized good but they're there.

I'm going to save all those comments and empty out the parking lot and then start a celebration! (in about an hour from now) Check it out when you have the time. It's a weekly event then a new celebration starts.

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Hi John,  Just stopping by to say my daily Hi.  Hope your juicing is going well and almost done.  Hope your evening goes great!!!

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My healthier habits have been reducing the strain on my stature.  My journey has included this Group, The Winter snows, My Attitude, Strong Support and Encouragement, Improved Eating and Activity Habits.

So, to answer your question Bonnie. I am doing wonderful. My juicing was hard for the first day and a half, but by the end of the second day, my mind broke free, my constant food craves disappeared, focused direction with improved physical and mental endurance. (I FORGOT how good this feels) Juicing is a lot of work and temptations from easier more delicious meals has always pushed juicing slowly off my table as a regular regimen. I’m going to figure out what my “toxQUIT” is and apply it to my forever healthy cupboard so I maintain juicing in my monthly regimen.

I would not have juiced if not for everything that has happened it the past 25 days. I am so glad I did it but it is only a small part of the past 25 days. I’m really doing very well, my knees don’t hurt anymore, I’m getting up off the couch without having to push myself off. I’m staying so much more active (mentally and physically)  I’m close to the will power to willingness transition….. Argggh but all that good food out there…. got a ways to go.

I have another day or two of juices left in the fridge so I’m gonna do a 4th and maybe a 5th day. (it’s feeling good)

I think doing my cofQUIT (reducing my caffeine considerably) was a good decision for me.

I did have an aHa moment about my weight. I’ll talk more about that tomorrow but you will notice, my daily weight records are no longer posted in my living room (reducing thier importance) but if you’re curious click here.

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Sounds good and this is all a journey for all of us.  I saw a four in your number so YAHOOO.  But the most important thing is how you feel not what the scale says and from what I can tell pretty dang good.  

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