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John's Living Room

Check out my progress here



My start weight for March = 260.4 lbs.

My long term (1 year) Goal = Maintain 200 - 210 lb wt average without smoking.

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155 Replies

(3/12/15 - 257.2) 258.2 / 258.8 / 258.4 / 259 / 259.6 / 257.8 / 260.4

PRO Diet Activity on 3/11: No (Average intake)

PRO Phiysical Activity on 3/11: Yes (A lot of outdoor activity)


Forced exercise is benefitting me greatly here. This is a testament to the importance of physical activity. I have not changed my eating habits too much (I am staying away from gluttonous habits) but not really restricting any comfort eats. 

I've been forced for the past week to finally get out and do the needed chores and there are many, I'm losing weight and that is the sole reason I think. (A great example of the benefits of purposeful activity) 

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Hmmm I think oreo's can be considered fuel and I know for a fact that peanut butter is.  

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All I can say is that after 11 days of Medifast, an apple was comfort food!!

So, John, we're going at this from opposite ends -- You're doing the physical activity and starting to lose weight and I'm doing the eating thing and losing weight but a little nervous about the physical part.  I'm sure that in a month we'll both be doing both!! Of all the folks here I have the most to lose, so I need to bring a passion to this.  I think my decision to ditch Medifast was definitely the right one.

About the group "dynamics" I agree that it is somewhat awkward -- when you make comments in my living room I think I should come to your living room to respond.  Sometimes people make comments in, say, your living room and we respond to that comment.  So I totally get what you mean about it being disjointed.  What have you learned by looking at the other groups?  I'm not sure anyone before us has tried to make a more dynamic environment in a group, so I guess we need to be creative.  If it worked just like the larger community works would that be better?  Maybe -- because we have a legitimate connection with the whole quitting smoking thing, and being supportive of weight/health issues is what could help some folks keep their quits -- we could contact the site creators and ask it to be set up that there can be groups that allow more interaction than this "topics" set up does?  I'm not the most creative person when it comes to technology, so any thoughts you have would be welcome.

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The question is "are you eating it for fuel"? or pleasure & reward?

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(3/13/15 - 259.8) 257.2 / 258.2 / 258.8 / 258.4 / 259 / 259.6 / 257.8 / 260.4

PRO Diet Activity on 3/12: No (Over indulgent with unhealthy snacks all day and  excessive meal intake)

PRO Phiysical Activity on 3/11: No (Average daily activity)


YIKES.... I double whammied myself. I was truely enjoying the downward trend even though I was not putting a lot of effort into it. Forced to shovel snow (though beneficial) was just a thing needing done  not a real plan. I pigged out yesterday and did no excercise and look what happened! No time to write now but the correlation with being inactive thus inducing the munchies from boredom is identical to me as when I used to smoke from boredom. I work hard all week, I deserve a break so I lay around and eat, eat and eat ....REALLY??/?

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In regards to the group dynamic (Missed that yesterday Donna) we must've been posting at the exact same time.

Back to topic: The biggest problem is we can not use the blogging platform effectively because it goes out into the general community and this is kind of like a private gathering.

Giulia's said, "years ago, the group blogs just stayed within the group dynamic but now they do not" Without the asset of the blog.... it's like driving a car with no front wheels, BUT in can be done with a little practice and training and we'll still be able to get from point a to b.

As far as contacting the group administrators, right now, that would just be another variable to deal with and I cynically do not think the issues would be addressed in a timely manner. But I may very likely be mistaken, it  may be a good idea. I'd rather get some basic helpful communication guideline in place before doing that but It never hurts to ask questions and learn more, so please if you have the time, contact the administrators. it might help a lot.

I'm posting this in both our living rooms.

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(3/14/15 - 258.6) 259.8 / 257.2 / 258.2 / 258.8 / 258.4 / 259 / 259.6 / 257.8 / 260.4

PRO Diet Activity on 3/13: No (Excessive junk food intake)

PRO Physical Activity on 3/13: Yes (Slightly Above average daily activity)


Sooo, a few days ago I made light mention to my wife that I wished I had some cheese nips or something to snack on. We equally share the grocery shopping because we do have varying diets and if I go out to get stuff for a specific meal, I'll ask her what she might need and ditto data for her.

Unbeknownst to me, she took my earlier comment to heart and came home with 3 boxes of cheeze nips, 2 bags of corn chips, 3 different blocks of cheeze, ritz type crackers.

I'm glad I was not on my health diet yet. I remember with past quits, I'd be doing well with my cigg reduction, like a couple a day or something AND then a 12 pack gets introduced into the mix (when I was drinking) and all my resolve dissappeared and once agin I was a chain smoker.

Well, you can see my log (above) and the same thing kind of happened here, I gained like 2 lbs instantly. These goodies did NOT break my resolve though, AGAIN, like when smoking, now I have to eat it all to get it out of the house, just like having to smoke that last pack before quitting.

I hope everyone is doing well and has a great Saturday and weekend. I'.m gonna go read any new entries now.

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I'm learning how to deal with the links and you'll notice on the main page I keep changing things under the description. I want our group page to be functionable, easy to navigate and nice to look at. Just saying.

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Yes you are doing great with the page.  Just a word on your binge you are setting yourself up for.  Don't do it.  You know better and there is nothing wrong with having them around while you are eating healthy.  When you ban everything it just makes it harder.  Unlike smoking you can just have a few and be satisfied.  Instead of grabbing the box and sitting in front of the TV open the box get a handful and put the box back.  

This is not like smoking it's not all or nothing that is why I love the 80/20 rule.  Try to always eat 80% healthy all day and 20% what you want.  

Think about it John and remember like quiting smoking you are worth it.  

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Thanks for reminding me about the 80/20 rule. If I combine that with the Eat for Fuel not Reward rule. Those are solid truths that will be staples in my thoughts.

My wife is good at the small bowl thing. I could be if I didn't have to keep pausing the TV to go & refill the bowl. just joking... that is a great idea I know.

Thanks Bonnie

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