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Daily Workout

Good Morning,

I am about to start my daily workout routine: Max Trainer and a Video. Wanted to see what all of you are doing to stay fit.

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13 Replies

Walk early morning - 2 miles. 7 days a week 

Leslie Sansone Fast Walk video (with interval training and boosted walking) - 2 miles.  5 days a week

Another short walk in the afternoon - longer lately! 7 days week.

Free weights and stretching 2 days a week

Back exercises from PT - 5 days a week


Great Job!

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Before Covid I worked out at the gym three days a week and walk twice a day.  Since gym’s closed, I do weights 4 times a week, exercise to Denise Austin a few times a week, walk twice a day...also, I have a lot of steps in my home and I do a lot of steps a day...~ Colleen 484 DOF 


great job!


I walk every day and try to remain active in doing something.  I love the outdoors so the yard and garden are my refuge. It keeps me fit and has kept me fit for years.  I walk each morning. Nothing fast just enjoying the morning. 

Not applicable

I'm guilty , I was a winter couch potato and a bear , so I've just come out of my den now . I started and wrote a committment plan and taped it on my window ... it's motivating me to do what I said I would do . I feel very guilty until all things are check marked off lol . 

The gym was my go to but.......times changed , so it's indoor ideas . 

I do stationary bike and weights . Stair climbing , Zumba or line dancing in my house and as of yesterday began taking a short walk . I also write a gratitude everyday and read 2 - 3 chapters each day .. the mind needs excersise too . 


Walking.  If I can't get outside I march in place, do jumping jacks knee lifts, whatever my body feels like doing.  Walking and yoga have stayed with me throughout my life.  All other programs have come and gone.

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My First workout as an ExSmoker (NON Somker): Stretch, Max Trainer as long as I can, Aerobics Video and maybe Abs. Best of luck to your journeys!
