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Thank You!

Community Manager
Community Manager
12 12 389

I want to thank all the members of EX for making the EX Community part of their quit journey. I am proud to interact with so many great people on a daily basis. It's pure pleasure to me to be able to facilitate this safe space where you all make amazing things happen each and every day. 

Whether you're just joining us or you've been around since the site started, Thank you! Whether you come here and post daily or just once a year, Thank You! Whether you are here to quit for you or here to gain the knowledge to support someone else in their quit, Thank You! Whether you are here to just read what others post or to actively engage and post your own content, Thank You! Whether you are young or chronologically wealthy, Thank You!

People ask me what I do and are always curious when I say I manage an online support community to help people quit smoking/vaping/chewing. They naturally assume I help people quit but I'm quick to point out that the members are what really make the difference. I only provide the safe environment/mechanism/vehicle to enable members to bring their vulnerability and experience to turn it into confidence and success. 

If you are reading this and you are on the fence about getting involved or wondering what the EX Community can do for you. Please, please, please take the risk and get involved in some way. Ask a question, answer a question, share a joke, upload a picture/video, share your artwork, craftbookrecipe or writingpost a status update, sync your quit date, start a journal, join a discussion, pledge to be smoke free, create a quit kit, record your triggers, track your tobacco/nicotine, join a game, invite a friend/family member to the site, educate yourself about addiction,  perform a 5 minute favor (and share it on EX), read the Best of EX, celebrate others' milestones, Introduce yourself to someone in your state, complete your profile, add/change your picture/avatar. There are so many things to do here on EX. So many ways to get involved in a way that makes you feel comfortable.  It's your journey, the first step is getting involved and we'll get to quitting when you're ready.

I look forward to reading and experiencing everything that you share. It's so amazing! Thank you for that gift, each and every day from the bottom of my heart!

EX Community Manager

About the Author
This account is run by a team of EX Community Administrators. It's an honor and a privilege to help the members of this community each and every day. We love the mix of people here getting support and giving it to others. You're all something to someone. We are inspired by the many, many amazing people who come here to help others.