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How's your stress?

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Recently I went through a move and for the first time in a while I became acutely aware of my stress levels. I’m pretty good about keeping everything in check so I navigate easily through life’s daily stresses. However, moving is a downright stressful situation. Everything requires careful planning. Even with the best-laid plans, something happens that you don’t expect. Most everything went smoothly but there were some unexpected road blocks. 




Being aware of my stress, I wondered where it measured on the scale of the most common high stress events in people’s lives.  Mine didn’t even make the top 10 list. 

  1. Death of a spouse: 100

  3. Divorce: 73  

  5. Marital separation: 65 

  7. Imprisonment: 63

  9. Death of a close family member: 63  

  11. Personal injury or illness: 53 

  13. Marriage: 50

  15. Dismissal from work: 47  

  17. Marital reconciliation: 45 

  19. Retirement: 45 


Everyone is bound to face one of these situations sooner than later. How we deal with that stress is up to us.  




I chose to push through. Admittedly, I ended up going a bit too hard and ended up feeling faint one time and then a day later I ended up sick.  While I work hard to manage my stress I needed to listen to my body and properly attend to the signs. 




As you prepare for your quitthink about the stressors that you could face and come up with a plan on how best to work through those situations before you are faced with them. Journal about it with a clear mind so you can have it for reference when you are faced with one of those situations. If you do it when you aren’t stressed, you will likely not write in your game plan that you plan to smoke.




Prepare today for tomorrow! 




In the comments below. Tell us about a recent or past high-stress situation. Did you have a game plan or were you caught off-guard?  What are some other strategies you use to relieve your stress without smoking?


I qualify for 53%, and the 45%...still living and breathing...but breathing much better smoke free....


My stress levels go up and down but like yourself I tend to deal with them by keeping everything in check, recently since I stopped smoking I tend to have panic attacks... I have to take deep breaths, sit down, do something else... anything, I even scremed out loud yesterday.  I'll get there without smoking, it is my promise to me xx  


We all feel the stress of our Sister Betty's terminal ung cancer! She means so much to so many of us! 

So how do I cope? I confront the Truth of it! I stay in the moment with attention to what my heart feels! I allow myself to cry! I know that she is in God's hands! I pray for Peace and Acceptance. I hug my loved ones - 3D Family and Friends. 

My uncle died last night after shortly after smoking his last sickerette. We all quit - one way or the other! I choose to protect my Quit for Life!


I write songs about my feelings in these situations.

Past high stress situation was the lost of my husband to suicide totally caught off guard smoking really became my "go to" when thoughts of him arised. Now I attend this grief support group for suicide loss and it awaken the memory it feel all the more fresh now that I have no where to "hide" I allow myself to cry whenever needed, I write, and more than anything I pray especially when I have dreams of him and wake up to the harsh reality. I pray and express all my feelings asking God to heal them so I can move forward!

Unfortunately, until pretty recently, my way of dealing with stress was a few drinks, which of course contributed to my relapse. Needless to say, substances did very little to relieve the stress, they caused it to grow hugely.

The last few days I have been journaling and praying and deep breathing. It has helped a lot.


A few things have helped me and continue to help me.


Letting myself feel and express it, whether it be crying, sobbing , laughing and not worring about whether others felt what I was doing was appropriate or not.

Maintaining a healthy diet

Maintaining exercise program even though it is not as consistent as it used to be but it is still a very important part of relieving stress.

Doing things my way and doing most of the things that needed to be done myself, no matter what others thought/think I should do.  

Sharing hugs and tears together with others that knew no words were needed. For a genuine hug can say more than words ever could. Those hugs are so special.

Coming here to EX to share my grief with those I know who do care about me even though we have never met in person.

No cigarette required or desired.


I guess one would be 53% , but the most recent stressor is not on the list and that is my daughter running away almost 2 weeks ago. Well I can definitely say I was totally caught off guard and there were no plan in action.  Smoking thoughts bombarded my brain but I was able to pull out all my tools I learned here, NOPE! SINAO, and I don’t do that anymore and the newest I just heard is smoking is not required as well with lots of crying, punched a pillow and use lots of deep breathing exercises. I also came to the site to blog my feelings, which was really helpful. That is what is so nice about this group they are caring and loving and come running to give support.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks everyone for commenting.  We're all human and we all need support. We all have something to teach each other as well.  Take a moment to read all the replies to see who you can learn from and offer support to above and below your comment.  


EX Community Manager


I'm just finding myself depressed... crying and having panic or anxiety attacks. Things that bothered me before I quit, really bother me now! Nothing is making me want to smoke, quit on July 5th. I just want to know the depression will pass. I hate feeling this way and I know my son and husband don't like my new personality. Smoked for 35 years, I'm 52. Someone tell me this goes away!


Looking forward to being a non-smoker. This is going to take everything I've got, mostly prayer and hopefully lots of outside support. I went 37 days a few months ago with not alot of support, so looking forward to this wonderful website. In those 37 days so much had changed for the better, so that is a really good motivator for me. Looking forward to getting rid of the gagging, coughing etc. etc. etc.. I think when you have smoked so long 38 years for me, and someone with many personal issues it is going to take alot of faith to let it go and find healthy ways to implement instead of the self destructive behavior i have had for so many years. So far, every story I have seen/heard is a motivational source to the very real possibility of quiting and staying quit. Thank you the quiting and the staying quit.

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Community Manager


Way to stick to your quit even with 2 things from that list.


🙂 Glad you have some self-awareness.  A verbal release is good every now and again.  I tell my kids if we're in the car and their brothers are annoying them that they can "silent scream". They laugh and do it and say it always helps them feel a little better and maintain self-control. 


Sorry to hear of your uncle. With the news of Betty that is heartbreaking as well.  Great words and thoughts for others. That's good that you allow yourself to cry.

@jonescarp aka Dale

Wish I had the creativity to write songs.  Hoping to pick up a guitar one day and figure it out.


That's a lot to deal with.  Thank you for being confident enough to share with us.


Admission is tough but is also a great tool to grow.  You're growing stronger every day!


Thanks for the ideas.  Hopefully others will find your suggestions helpful


Having two things, that has got to be hard.  With having three kids, I can't imagine the stress I would have while not having them close.  Hopefully everything will be resolved soon for you!


Have you contacted your healthcare professional?  They might have some suggestions on how to go about it. 


There is a lot of helpful information here. And a lot of amazing people too.  Use those resources to your advantage.  Don't be afraid to ask for help and advice and to be open to response.  It's not easy and there are lots of people who have made it through. You can do it as long as you put in the work and effort.

EX Community Manager

About the Author
This account is run by a team of EX Community Administrators. It's an honor and a privilege to help the members of this community each and every day. We love the mix of people here getting support and giving it to others. You're all something to someone. We are inspired by the many, many amazing people who come here to help others.