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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


The July Daily Pledge

Here is the July Daily Pledge........can you believe 2011 is half over? Time is a relative perception we mark by the day. May ALL of the rest of the days you are allotted be SMOKE FREE and easy, and if not, ensure the SMOKE FREE part.

I pledge to remain smoke FREE for a really long time and I pledge to do so NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS! I will inhale the shock wave of highly energetic particles coming from the exploding sun and they will find NO cigarette smoke in these lungs............ SO SHALL IT BE!

You are free to pledge here as often as you need, I encourage you to explore the NEW YOU!


In a daily journey of transformation the only thing I can actually control is me and my own behavior...
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Thanks Papa for this July pledge room. We (I) really do appreciate this. Thanks much. And although my plan is to be smokefree for the rest of my days, and so long as I am trapped in this body, I will still come to make my daily promise to you all and to myself! Have a wonderful July 🙂

I pledge to remain smokefree for the next 24 hours. I offer my hand strength and happiness to the next person in line to pledge here with us.......

Marcie - NOT ONE HIT SINCE THE DAY I QUIT! Two Months, Twenty Six Days, 9 Hours and 42 Minutes, while extending my life 9 Days and 2 Hours, by not smoking 2622 cigarettes that would have cost me $263.16.

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The 1st of July......Thank you Marcie..........I gladly accept your hand and I pledge to remain smoke FREE for the nEXt 24. I EXtend my FREE hand and strength to the nEXt EX in line.

INDEPENDENCE DAY.............what could that mean besides the traditional American meaning? Tools and resources at our disposal...all we have to do is WORK. 🙂

Now that is worth some fireworks!

My name is Papa Jimmy, and I am a nicotine addict.
I have stopped nicotine for 3 years, 10 days, 4 hours, 29 minutes and 48 seconds (1105 days).

I've not smoked 22104 death sticks, and saved $5,250.23.
I've saved 76 days, 17 hours and 58 minutes of my life.

In a daily journey of transformation the only thing I can actually control is me and my own behavior...
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Hey Papa!  I'm super stoked to be starting a new month here.  I am grateful everyday for this group and on that note I'll take your extended hand as I pledge not to smoke for another 24 hours.  I extend my free hand to the next ex in line.


I have quit for 2 Weeks, 1 Day, 10 hours, 12 minutes and 38 seconds (15 days). I have saved $138.82 by not smoking 308 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Day, 1 hour and 40 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 6/16/2011 12:00 AM


As with Marcie, I have not smoked one cigarette, not one puff no nicotine in any form since my quit.  I am proud to be part of this community and feel honored to share my quit with such remarkable people.

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Hiya Abbra! thanks for your hand! I pledge this day not to smoke. NOPE! no way jose.

I offer my hand and support to the next ex in line to make a pledge......

Marcie - NOT ONE HIT SINCE THE DAY I QUIT! Two Months, Twenty Seven Days, 8 Hours and 52 Minutes, while extending my life 9 Days and 4 Hours, by not smoking 2651 cigarettes that would have cost me $266.07.

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Hey Marcie and thank you for your hand...I pledge that I will remain smokefree for the next 24 hours and offer my hand to the next EX in line to pledge   Nancy

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Thank you Sickofit,for your hand as I pledge not to smoke for the next 24 hours and offer my free hand to the next EX. in line to pledge..

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thanks Linda, I came here and saw what you posted just now because I was sending this link to someone else. Hope to see her here soon! I have been giving people the link to this pledge room alot lately. I would love to see more and more peple pledge daily!!!

Wuv you all♥

Marcie - NOT ONE HIT SINCE THE DAY I QUIT! Two Months, Twenty Seven Days, 20 Hours and 5 Minutes, while extending my life 9 Days and 6 Hours, by not smoking 2665 cigarettes that would have cost me $267.49.

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Hello fellow non smokers.  Wanted to pop in and say, the Daily Pledge has really helped me so much.  I just made my 1 year.  And to ring in year 2 of not smoking...I will take the Daily Pledge:

I pledge to remain smoke FREE for the nEXt 24. I EXtend my FREE hand and strength to the nEXt EX in line.

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So the keeptrying worked...LOL..EXcellent...I thank you for you hand and friendship and I pledge to remain smoke FREE for the nEXt 24. I EXtend my FREE hand and strength to the nEXt EX in line.

In a daily journey of transformation the only thing I can actually control is me and my own behavior...
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