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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


I pledge not to smoke today May 13, 2008.

Looks like I'm the first one uo today...Thats ok. I pledge not to smoke today, nor tonight. May 13, 2008. As for yesterday, I fought the cravings and made it through what can some what be concidered my second day 2...not quite as difficult as the first day 2 but it was hard...I feel better. 33 days...thrown away like nothing...but here I am.
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5 Replies

It's all good Fran, for yourself and your baby........ taking your hand and adding mine. Pledging not to smoke today or tonight. Fighting the good fight!!! Day 7 for me....... extending my hand.
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Thanks for starting the Pledge Today Fran ,

I like your leadership qualities. In fact I like it even better when someone else starts but many times I will start the pledge when I am up working around Midnight.

I pledge not to smoke , not to make excuses to smoke and to be the best support I can be to those wanting to be successful in the journey to stay smoke free. i pledge to continue searching for those that I believe could be helped by a pledge instead of running for some miracle medications. I pledge to be the best I can be today and that does not ever include being controlled by cigarettes today or ever again. With this pledge i also extend my hand of support to the next person in line and I want you to hold on tight and we will make this journey successful together. Will you join me today and tell a few more people so this pledge group continues to grow and multiply all over the EX site?
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I take your hand Ray and pledge no cigs today....I extend my other hand to the next brave EXer.

Rock the quits people

Susan Day 78
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Congratulations Susan on 78 Super days without an excuse !!!
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Thanks Karen, I take your hand and pledge not to smoke tonight! I offer my other hand to next in line!

oops.. I'm at home and don't have my quit meter here... 4 weeks down!!!!
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