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What to do with my hands

As I am nearing my quit date I have seen many things that were beautiful and always wondered how to make them so one day being in a Dollar Tree there were some ladies talking about the crafts that they make and I commented I wished I had that talent.  One of the ladies advised me to go to youtube and look up dollar tree crafts and wow I was amazed. I purchased alot of stuff to start and well never did and now that I am preparing for my quit date I have learned that I am going to like this and I also realized that while working on my crafts I dont even think about wanting a cigarette so this will help with keeping my hands busy during my quit.

10 Replies

@AJ27 Welcome to the Ex.  Please consider posting your own post to My Journal/Blog to introduce yourself to the community and receive some well deserved support.  Super excited for your quit day tomorrow.

It's important to understand that nicotine is an addiction.  When armed with that knowledge, quitting becomes more possible.  There are psychological habits attached also, so we have to work on both.  Early on it's the physical addiction we have to work through. The psychological part takes longer.  We've attached every emotion and activity with smoking so it takes some work to find new associations to replace the old.   

So educate yourself about nicotine and create a quit plan. Along with the support of fellow quitters these two steps has meant success for many smokers. 

This link is a great lace to start. Learn how to identify your triggers, the tools you'll use, creating new associations instead of smoking, etc.

Make the commitment and you can do this too.  We're here to support you on your journey.  So reach out anytime you need help, want to share your experience or to support fellow quitters. We're all in this together.

Here are some ideas for you.   100 Things to do instead of smoke - EX Community

Start your day by joining us on the  Daily Pledge.  It's a great way to stay on track on day at a time.

Keep us updated on your journey.  We're cheering you on.
