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Share your quitting journey


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  I decided to copy and paste several snippets out of my overstuffed “positivity” file, in an effort to condense it down to just the best stuff. I ended up with a document I’m calling   NO, and I’m sharing it here. (The words are not mine, but I did cobble the pieces together in an order, and added my usual   bold-type and   underscored and   italicized flourishes…)
  Some of us think that   NO only removes stuff, that its only function is to create boundaries or limits. But actually,   NO does more than that. A strong, clear-minded   NO purges the system, and then raises this brilliant question:   What will you now say YES to?
  We honor ourselves by remembering that   NO is always an option. And, the truest   NO will always be attached to a very clear   YES, opening the way for   what is coming next.
  Saying   NO and “opting out” of situations sends a powerful message of what you   do want to attract   into your life.
  It is okay to say “no” – and “no”   is a complete sentence. You do not need to follow it with an explanation, or apology. There is so much to say “no” to, which is actually saying “yes” to so much   else!!
  “Maybe,” “possibly,” and “perhaps” are not empowering energies to engage in, and will not get you where you want to go. If you feel unclear or uncertain, then get quiet, and go inside yourself to listen to your intuition. Your inner knowing is not wishy-washy. (Think of that time where you really knew something was a NO, but you did it anyway. How did   that work out for you?)
  There is nothing inherently “bad” about saying "no", or about quitting something (or someone) that is not aligned with your values. (If it helps, instead of using the word “quitting,” you could think of it as:   clarifying, remedying, healing, or cleansing.)
  Remember: Your life is created just as much by what you say “no” to and   take action away from, as it is by what you say “yes” to and   take action toward.