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Let's Get Moving Part 3

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'The original idea was to "get moving" at least 4 times a week, staying accountable to each other.  Post your accomplishments in the comments. This is the original blog link if you would like to clarify the guidelines

Let's Get Moving Challenge - EX Community.   Any activity counts, as long as you get off your butt and get your heart pumping.  Who knows, maybe we'll lose a little weight or a couple of inches in the meantime.  I hope placing it in discussions this time will work better than a blog post where there were so many entries and becomes harder to locate.  Let's see if we can keep it on the board often and easy to find. 

I believe we got sidetracked when I suggested doing other challenges and those challenges were not conducive to everyone. My fault. Lesson learned.  So I am hoping we can get back to doing what "you" do instead of a specific routine.  Got it?.   In the previous post, there were a lot of comments to go through to come up with this list of who participated.  Hopefully, it will catch on again.  Of course, sometimes we got off topic which can happen.  This post really kept me motivated and we had a lot of fun while learning a lot from each other with over 2519 comments on the first blog and 1072 Let's Get Moving 2018 - EX Community  on second blog comments. So let's Get Moving Part 3!

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Good morning . Back at class today .. a beautiful 60 some temp today . Walking pup before I go . 
@Giulia sorry you are having so much pain , hope you can find something that will help . 


Got an ultrasound over  first thing, and it was actually pleasant (well, fasting aside!).

After breakfast, I started in and spent three hours on the walkway border edge.  WELP - SOMEBODY put a yard  of metal edging many long years ago that is now  buried and rusty....and it took me over an hour to dig it out!  Makes it harder to take that it mostly likely was...ME!  Anyway- spent about three hours  edging and weeding and digging that rusty metal out.  About halfway done, so hopefully tomorrow will see THAT finished!


You're just frickin' amazing, woman.  Just amazing!


And I keep thinking the same about YOU!


0 Kudos

@Giulia ~ Both @YoungAtHeart AND YOU are frickin' amazing!!! 



 up at 330am and prayed

Just up and moving one foot in front of the other to head to my Alanon meeting at 10am then lunch with hubby where we shared Apple pie alamode it was delicious and then home to watch TV and nap 

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Great workout today again . Education today was on Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis , sugar and inflammation . 

45 minutes non stop work outs working all  parts of the body . No more sitting in the chair with bands , we did them standing today .

She plays awesome music too .

 I walked pup an hour this morning and walked part way home tonight .

 Hockey now and dinner . A good day .

I’ll be sad to see this class end but hopefully she can give me resources to a good fit for me after this . Might be nutrition , wouldn’t mind that actually or a tougher exercise class . 

I am back home now since spending the weekend up north at my ex's to help our oldest son Kevin care for his Dad following bladder surgery. I'm glad I was there cuz Dick's anesthesia never fully cleared for almost 24 hours and we needed the two of us to help him stand / do short periods of walking. Then there were issues with his catheter drainage and also there was lots of blood in the drainage, so it took several confabs between me, Kevin, Dick's weekday nurse and also his surgeon by phone to finally get things straightened out. I'm glad I was there to offer emotional and physical help.

Before I started out for home late yesterday afternoon, I took a walk on my once familiar block. Actually, the block is the same but since I have been gone since 1991, not many of the folks who lived there in the old days are still there. They have been replaced with folks who are strangers to me. While out and about, I stopped to briefly sit on the porch of my dear friend Barbara who passed recently and had a "pseudo talk" with her. I let her know how much I missed her and thanked her once again for almost 60 years of treasured friendship. 

@indingrl ~ Just love that cute little babe getting sprayed in the sink! Glad you and your hubby had lunch out and topped the day with TV and naps: my kinda day! @Maki~ I am so happy for you regarding the helpful workouts you ar participating in and glad to hear you were able to also walk the pup today!

Hello to all you movers that I did not directly address~ You are in my thoughts, and I am wishing you well!! ❤️ 

OH-- and a PS : Today I am paying for that walk yesterday as I wore crocks and not a well-fitting walking shoe to investigate the neighborhood. So today I am experiencing pain on the outer side of my right shin when trying to walk. I have pulled out my crutches from when I turned my ankle last year, am taking Tylenol and will ice and elevate my leg when I soon get into bed. (BTW the pain I am feeling reminds me of a similar situation when I was in Washington State and walked my dog down and back up the rather steep incline of our mountainous driveway while wearing slippers. The whole thing eventually necessitated an appointment at the clinic where I was diagnosed with shin splints which I think am now experiencing again. I will decide in the morning of I need to see a doctor... trusting that the rest, ice and elevation will relieve the situation!


I so appreciate all your strengthening vibes.  They help!

Today was a special day at PT.  I was hurtin' so much yesterday I thought, "this is NOT going to be fun!"  But the two ibuprofen I took last night helped.  But I was still hurtin' somewhat.  And I was taken in by someone new!  A woman.  And she sat me down first off at a bike machine (I guess it was?), but she didn't have me do peddles, just arms.  Backward arms.  Like peddling backwards but with your arms.  (I'm sure some of you have used this kind of a machine before, probably for shoulder PT?)   And the thing was set HARD.  Had I known I was gonna start off with an aerobic exercise I would have worn shorts!  Four minutes of that and then a couple of the easy peasy stretches Todd has me do each time and then - YOWZA!  Everything she gave me was brand new.  And TOUGH.  I told her my right Ischial Tuberosity was really hurting yesterday and she immediately gave me a stretch for that.  Todd seemed to pay no attention when I told him about it.  She put me through several exercises to help aleviate that specific pain.  Then she gave me a 50cm ball.  I had told Todd that I have a ball and home and would love some exercises for it.  Well, "She Wolf of the SS" worked me HARD on that ball.  And I didn't even ask her.  She had me doing all this amazing, hard stuff.  And of course I loved it!  I even had to rest in between sets.  I told her "I may hate you tomorrow!" jokingly.  Depending upon how much I hurt.  But this will be a good hurt, if you know what I mean.  I really felt like I was making progress with this kind of a workout, as opposed to dear Todd.  I mentioned to her that he seemed totally disinterested and had probably worked there too long.  She said, "He's retiring May 9th."  Good!  I'm going to request her to take over from him ASAP, if there's a slot available.  If not, then I'm gonna say to him "Give me the exercises she had me do please."  The difference between workouts was night and day.  And she also said "most people your age - some can't even do ONE rep on some of this stuff."  Well how 'bout THAT for an ego boost and encouragement hit!  That's the kind of attention and attitude one needs from a Physical Therapist.  MOO!   Now, let's see if I can get out of bed tomorrow morning!  lol


I am wondering how you are feeling this morning?1?