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Let's Get Moving Part 3

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'The original idea was to "get moving" at least 4 times a week, staying accountable to each other.  Post your accomplishments in the comments. This is the original blog link if you would like to clarify the guidelines

Let's Get Moving Challenge - EX Community.   Any activity counts, as long as you get off your butt and get your heart pumping.  Who knows, maybe we'll lose a little weight or a couple of inches in the meantime.  I hope placing it in discussions this time will work better than a blog post where there were so many entries and becomes harder to locate.  Let's see if we can keep it on the board often and easy to find. 

I believe we got sidetracked when I suggested doing other challenges and those challenges were not conducive to everyone. My fault. Lesson learned.  So I am hoping we can get back to doing what "you" do instead of a specific routine.  Got it?.   In the previous post, there were a lot of comments to go through to come up with this list of who participated.  Hopefully, it will catch on again.  Of course, sometimes we got off topic which can happen.  This post really kept me motivated and we had a lot of fun while learning a lot from each other with over 2519 comments on the first blog and 1072 Let's Get Moving 2018 - EX Community  on second blog comments. So let's Get Moving Part 3!

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Michwoman‌, @shawnP, Daniela2016‌ you ladies may want to join us.  At the  Ex7 Reunion, you committed to being better.  Here is your opportunity to join us.  I challenge you to get moving.Whoo Hoo 


I've been walking and moving as much as I can!


YoungAtHeart‌  I did not see your name on the list, you are always invited to participate. 

TriGirl‌ we may not be at your level but you definitely can inspire us.  Of course, you are on vacation.  When you get back.  Patty-cake you are the exercise queen, come and join us.  The more the merrier.  If you can think of someone that may want to join. Everyone is welcome. GyorgyiM  we are here.


Thank you Jackie!

I recently purchased a wrist "Tracker" and have started walking every hour on the hour at work. Corporate office is like the Pentagon and we can walk the hallway indoors all the way around the building, over and over again. I only track my steps during work hours. After work I stop tracking....too much wiggle room when at home.Thus far I walk anywhere from 5000 to 6000+ steps a day. SITTING IS THE NEW SMOKING!! It is horrible for your health, and my body screams it loud and clear with back pain or what have you....So I said I am going to do something about it, and here I am ....a WALK-O'-HOLIC besides doing my morning Yoga with my dog Noah and GiGi (my female cat)...Saluda my boy cat is to macho to do yoga!! Besides he thinks he's a MeereKat..

Everybody UP UP UP!!!




I will be more than happy to be on the assist when I get back!!


Here I am! Does hopping 160 ft on one leg with a walker or standing on one leg for 7 minutes or 15 minutes on an arm bike at 95% effort count?  If so,count me in!

Sign me,

I'd rather be swimming!


Hello Nancy

After recently being on crutches and having to hop around and doing the one standing leg stance. I for one say it is exercise. Swinging both legs at the same time on the crutches counts for exercise too. Yes it was a little dangerous but fun. 


Movement is good Jackie...Hubs and I walked 3 miles today...and of course my walks with the dog...may go swim in a bit too...I love exercise ... and do free weights three times a week and run...but unfortunately I hurt my back this past Thursday and then two days sitting in the car....well both of those things will have to wait...Happy Monday....and Happy Exercise ~ Colleen 266 DOF 


Whenever you are ready.  There is no ending

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