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Spare time crafter

Crafting is one of my many hobbies. My mom is the one who got me into doing it. We set up at craft fairs and what not. Crafting got to where it stressed me out when i was in a time crush trying to fill orders. I work a full time job and have a family to take care of along with my many duties. (Not complaining at all) I have kinda slacked off on crafting but I'm really looking forward to picking it back up. I have a Chrirstmas craft fair the second week in December I have several things made so there wont be as stressful. Here is to crafting wothout smoking!!

4 Replies
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I’m envious , I love crafting , but not good enough at anything to be able to sell it .. it is so fun tho. I bet it has really helped with your quit as well ? Please feel free to share some of your work through pictures if you are comfortable . 



 These are a few ornaments that I'm making

Not applicable

Awe love the cute little snowmen 🙂 you are very creative . Good job .