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A Trip to Hobby Lobby Today

This morning I drove into the city, to the North side--I am south of the Southside, and spent some of my no-smoking savings at Hobby Lobby.  Bought some yarn so I can continue with my crocheting and some paint.  I've started making some paper mache masks that I can take to the women's organization I belong to so we can all paint them for a fun craft.  I think I will need to make about 12, I have two done and one in process.  I paint them white to seal the paper and then all of the women can paint them however they would like to.  Gonna be a bit before all the masks are ready.  Just wanted to share.  Thanks for listening!!


8 Replies


 This is one I did awhile ago.  It will be fun to see what everyone decides to do with theirs.


Pretty cool.  Post pics of the others when they're done.  I've got about 380.00 dollars saved from not smoking.  Not sure what I'm gonna do yet.


Isn't the savings amazing?  That's already quite a nice chunk of change you've got there!  It blows my mind how I had just put the financial cost out of my head when I was obsessed with feeding the monster.  All the denial involved in it....  


Doesn't it feel good to spend that $$$ on something that improves your life and well being and doesn't harm you?  Being creative is good for the body.  Also, I never let the cost of smokes get in my way either, just switched to a cheaper brand.  This addiction skewers our rational thinking. Your finished mask is good.  Hope the group enjoys painting these masks. 


Yes,  @biscuit9 the "addiction skewers our rational thinking" definitely.  I am noticing so many things that I just chose to put out of my mind--my breathing for instance, that caused me to have to sleep in a certain position in order to breathe deeply.  I am already noticing some improvement in that.  And other things I am realizing or recognizing.  Wow


Yes it is a chunk of change.  That's alot of money to blow on cigs a month.  I remember telling people that I would quit smoking if a carton of cigs got to 50.00.  Yeah right......that was probably 7, 8 maybe 9 years ago.

Not applicable

Wow very creative @ReallyReal . I agree you should see if you can take a pic of all the finished ones together . I’m so happy to hear you are noticing a difference in your breathing . There are so many great moments ahead . Keep going 


  • @Anonymous ya, I will take a pic when they're all done.  And thank you so much for your encouragement to keep going.  I am committed to this!!!