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Day 15

Hey everyone,

New here! I just quit vaping 15 days ago (as of the date of this post). I was vaping for the last five years, so the process of quitting has been a bit challenging.

For me, I haven't really had "cravings" per-say, but more-so the habit of reaching for my vape and the physical withdrawal symptoms. The worst withdrawal symptom for me has been the brain fog. For the first week, I felt like I was completely out of it, like I was "stoned" or "high". The second week was better, but still lots of brain fog. Trouble concentrating, short-term memory loss, misreading words, inability to focus my eyesight, etc.

It would be cool if there was something like a Discord server where we could all chat in real time. Definitely helps to be able to reach out to someone at any point in time. 

Hope everyone else is doing good!

14 Replies

I think the "research" is important.  That was how I got out from under the spell of nicotine, was by looking at FACTS.  I was lucky that for the first 2.5 days of my quit I didn't have one craving, but that changed at day 2.5.  All the cravings came at once, so it seemed, and if I had not prepared myself mentally for quitting, I would have question.  I used my distractions and I found this site 2 weeks in, so that helped me carry on, as well.  Congratulations on Quit day 18!!!!!!  It is not by accident, I am sure.  Keep winning.

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Yeah, I also found this place after two weeks in!

I am going to keep going, won't give up because there's just no reason to continue harming my body.

No more constant need to hit the vape.
No more spending money on juices, coils, batteries, etc.
My blood pressure is lower now (it spiked for the first few days, but leveled out)
My sleeping has improved. I'm now sleeping 8+ hours a night and on a normal sleep schedule.

Now, I just need to get past the brain fog and I will be golden. If it wasn't for the brain fog, I would literally have zero issues. I am hoping it improves significantly within the next two weeks or so. From the research I've done, it says most people's withdrawal symptoms improve a lot by the 5th week.


Yeah, surprisingly no cravings. But yeah, the "ghost vape" still happens occasionally, but that's slowly going away.

But, now I am on day 18 and the brain fog is still very annoying. 

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You got this. I agree about the brain fog. I’m day 4. Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate. 


Day 3-5 was the worst of the brain fog, the "stoned" or "high" feeling. After about day 6, that went away and has just been all the other classic symptoms of brain fog, such as trouble concentrating, memory loss, derealization, etc.

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