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Day 15

Hey everyone,

New here! I just quit vaping 15 days ago (as of the date of this post). I was vaping for the last five years, so the process of quitting has been a bit challenging.

For me, I haven't really had "cravings" per-say, but more-so the habit of reaching for my vape and the physical withdrawal symptoms. The worst withdrawal symptom for me has been the brain fog. For the first week, I felt like I was completely out of it, like I was "stoned" or "high". The second week was better, but still lots of brain fog. Trouble concentrating, short-term memory loss, misreading words, inability to focus my eyesight, etc.

It would be cool if there was something like a Discord server where we could all chat in real time. Definitely helps to be able to reach out to someone at any point in time. 

Hope everyone else is doing good!

14 Replies

Congratulations on each and every one of those 15 days without vaping.  Thank you for sharing your journey, as there are several others trying to stop vaping along with you.  Congraultions on your new life, a life that doesn't include self-harm.  Sorry about the brainfog and you should be really proud of yourself for going through some challenging moments and overcoming!  Don't forget to celebrate these wins.


Vaping really is self-harm. So many YouTube videos geared to self harming behavior recovery. It helps to substitute vaping for certain harm behaviors. 


  • Edit! I helps to substitute THE WORD VAPING (not vaping!) and watch YouTube videos on recovery from self harm behaviors
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Congrats on 15 days vape free!  The withdrawl symptoms will get better with time.  I know it's not real time but people on here are normally quick to respond.  You could do what I did and find some Exers that have a quit date close to your own and friend them.  Make a pact with them that you'll reach out to them in a real time of need.  You can do it through PM's.  Some even exchange numbers but that's between you and your quit buddies.  Stay close and stay strong!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Congratulations on 15 days quit, @MercenaryUSA! You might consider joining our quit vaping group as you navigate your quit as well!

- Danielle, EX Team 

EX Community Admin Team
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Yes, that was the first thing I did before I posted, was joined the group. 🙂

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No cravings?! Jealous! Haha I’m just a week ahead of you on the vape quit. The ghost vape reach is real for me like you described - “reaching for it”. 

Congrats on the 15 days! Really really great and you should be so proud. Those first 15 days can be rough. But they do get better. 


@MercenaryUSA Welcome to the group.  Super congrats on 15 days of being nicotine free.  Two weeks is an amazing achievement.  You should be be so proud of you accomplishment.  It sounds like you've been doing your research - you already understand having brain fog symptoms.  Being prepared for what to expect can make a real difference.

Join many of us on the Daily Pledge to stay on track one day at a time.

We're here for you, so reach out anytime you want to share your experience or receive some support.

Stay busy and stay close.  Happy Holidays




Yes, I definitely did my research! I was prepared for the withdrawal symptoms, but what I wasn't prepared for was the intensity of the symptoms. Lol.