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Weight gain😐

I have gained about 10lbs since quitting. So depressing...but not depressing enough to start vaping again😊


Any suggestions to lose weight fast?

11 Replies

@Fourte   Sorry no one responded to this earlier.    I didn't have any ideas to lose weight "fast".  Fast never worked for me.  Maybe someone else know some magical way to lose.  😊



I dont know of a faster way to loose, try this one pound at a time, because you can loose one 

pound per day without causing any health concerns,call it the one step method Good luck.


A pound per day - unless it's water weight - is not at all healthy. One to two pounds of fat per week is safe and healthy, anything more should be overseen by a physician and a nutritionist and can result in lots of loose skin, among other things.


@Fourte I know of no way fast but in the last 11 I have lost over 85 pounds by cutting a few items out of my diet especially bread and walking 3 to 5 miles daily.   Still need to lose some more of my gut.    


@Fourte I'm having the same problem. What's upsetting is that junk food is cheap and fresh veggies and fresh fruit is expensive. That always upset me. Quitting smoking and Covid added to my weight. I gained 40 pounds and so far took 20 off thank goodness. But it's hard to do. Doing it fast is hard. Good luck with your quit and losing your weight. 


Nothing ground breaking, but the best (and quickest) way to lose weight is diet and exercise with a major emphasis on diet. A nutritionist told me the grams of protein you should eat every day is equal to your weight. For instance, I weigh 132 lbs therefore I should eat 132 grams of protein every day. I run 2-3x per week, so he also recommended keeping caloric intake to 1200-1400 calories/day. There’s not much left in calories when you’re consuming so much protein. 

I’ve had to change the way I think about eating in order to get in better shape. The dieting was easy for me to do when I was vaping bc I had vaping as an outlet. Now that I haven’t smoked in 23 days, I’ve let sugar and junk food back into my diet. It’s hard to not have a vice to call back on, but it’s important to choose our battles. I think I’ll be a bit forgiving on the diet front so long as I don’t fall back on smoking. But the protein intake really helped me shed some lbs, combining that with exercising. Start small and give it some time and you will see results - patience is also key 🙏🏽


I too had that problem,so I just drank more water, did more stretching  exercises which allows

me to sweat more & I felt better.Keep in mind weight gain is not bad, as long as you still feel 
good about stay strong the pounds will reduce.


Exercise is one way to loose weight along with reducing your intake of fat and sugar.  Snack of veggies and fruits.  Drink plenty of water.  Avoid salty snacks.

Not applicable

You usually lose some water weight  in the beginning of a diet but diets are temporary weight loss imo . I agree @KateGonnaQuit 1 1/2 2 pounds a week is a healthy weight loss . 

Better to think of it as lifestyle changes that last a life time than a diet . When one quits smoking we tend to grab junk and personally I think junk creates more junk and smoking cravings . Being active will actually curb  the appetite and get one drinking more water which fills you up , keeps you hydrated and has tons of health benefits . Walking , swimming , running , biking all can help with keeping the weight off and is a great distraction from craves and the lifestyle change that is the confidence booster one is looking for in a diet .