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Live Event | Overcoming Multiple Addictions

Multiple Addictions webinar with Mayo Clinic NDC Team.png

When: 6/27/2023 at Noon Eastern / 11 am Central / 9 am Pacific
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Join us for a casual chat about quitting tobacco and while also overcoming other addictions. Molly and Heather from the Mayo Nicotine Dependence Center will be sharing their expertise and answering your questions. This is your chance to hear from the pros and understand what you need to consider as you work to over come multiple chemical addictions. So come with questions or post them below. Register now and let's talk about quitting tobacco together.

Ask your question* in the comments below. Molly and Heather will address some of the questions during the event. They'll respond later to questions they didn't get to during the event.

Video will be posted at a later date. 

*Please ensure to not include any personally identifiable information or personal health information when asking your question.

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10 Replies
Mayo Clinic

Thank you @Barbscloud for your insightful comments and your  appreciation for the webinar!  I agree with you that it can be hard to know what to say when people are struggling with multiple addictions, and some physicians don't have specific experience with this.  Addiction specialists and Addiction psychiatrists are the best avenue for expertise in that area.  But, for the most part having the willingness to take a look at how those drugs might be affecting you negatively is a first step.  🙂