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Live Event | Overcoming Multiple Addictions

Multiple Addictions webinar with Mayo Clinic NDC Team.png

When: 6/27/2023 at Noon Eastern / 11 am Central / 9 am Pacific
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Join us for a casual chat about quitting tobacco and while also overcoming other addictions. Molly and Heather from the Mayo Nicotine Dependence Center will be sharing their expertise and answering your questions. This is your chance to hear from the pros and understand what you need to consider as you work to over come multiple chemical addictions. So come with questions or post them below. Register now and let's talk about quitting tobacco together.

Ask your question* in the comments below. Molly and Heather will address some of the questions during the event. They'll respond later to questions they didn't get to during the event.

Video will be posted at a later date. 

*Please ensure to not include any personally identifiable information or personal health information when asking your question.

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This event has been updated with a new day and time for June! I hope you'll be able to join us for this session that's sure to be highly useful and interesting.

Todd, The EX Community Team

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Coming up in about an hour! There is still time to register for what's going to be a highly useful informational chat with experts from Mayo.

EX Community Admin Team

Do you think individuals should attempt to quit multiple addictions at the same time?

Mayo Clinic

Hi Barbscloud,

As was mentioned in the webcast, there is some good evidence that shows that quitting more than one thing at a time can be helpful. Specifically a study looked at folks who quit alcohol and tobacco simultaneously versus those who quit alcohol and kept smoking. The ones who quit both at once were less likely to relapse to using alcohol than those who continued to smoke. This supports the suggestion that quitting multiple addictions at the same time can be beneficial. With that being said, each individual is encouraged to quit in the way that seems best to them, with support from their medical team. There is no one "right way" to quit addictions. 


Timothy Milbrandt, MS , CTTS, LMFT
Counselor | Mayo Clinic Nicotine Dependence Center



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As a follow up to the insights from the team at the NDC, here are a couple of related articles that you might find useful! 

EX Community Admin Team
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A happy Friday to everyone in EX Community! In case you missed this excellent webinar, you're in for a treat. Here's a recording of the replay for you to enjoy and learn from. Molly and Heather shared their deep insights about the struggles of trying to quit multiple substances. Check it out...

EX Community Admin Team

@CommunityAdmin  I hadn't planned on listening to this in it's entirety, but I couldn't tear myself away.  There is a lot of good information here about  multiple addictions, but also how all these drugs effect your brain in different ways.   You touched on mental health issues also and there are many quitters coming to the site questioning how to quit with those issues.  This is would be another good webcast.

As you said, this  new information about quitting  multiple addictions at the same time is a  change in what I  heard.    A lot of good information to think about. 

My "concern" is that us Exers are at disadvantage trying to help quitters.  They  don't have an expert to interact with one on one  that addresses the reasons why someone is using drugs to begin with and how to support those with mental health issues. We're always saying consult with your doctor.  But it sounds like their doctor may not be acting on this new information or understand the interaction with nicotine and their medications.

Thanks also for suggesting quitting medications to help with quitting.   There are often negative comments about using them. Myths about quitting gets handed down over the years even though  knowledge about addiction and quitting has evolved  

I  love that you discussed that there are alternatives to this process and how important support is to be successful.

Thanks for posting this video.  I'm happy that we're getting more support from those at the Mayo Clinic to share there expertise.  I hope new quitters will take advantage of what's available. I try to share your posts as often as I can.




@CommunityAdmin Forgot.  Molly and Heather, thanks for sharing your knowledge and helping all of us with addictions.    A great presentation.
