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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members

Community Manager
Community Manager

May Daily Pledge 2024

May 2024 Daily Pledge.png

Welcome to Your Quit Journey in May! 

Celebrate May as a new beginning. Whether it’s smoking, vaping, or other types of tobacco products, let’s come together and pledge to quit as a community.

How to Pledge:

  1. Go to the last reply, click the last page number.
  2. Hit 'Reply' under the last pledge.
  3. Tag the last pledger with '@', then compose your pledge.
  4. Click 'Reply' to seal the deal.

Why Pledge?

  • Keeps you accountable.
  • Strengthens community bonds.
  • Daily or weekly check-ins help you stay on track.


Remember, we're stronger together. Come back tomorrow and pledge again!

EX Community Admin Team
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572 Replies

Thanks for your hand @Nomoresmoking24 !

I pledge not to smoke today and extend my other hand to the next in line.

Lynne 2620 days

@Nomoresmoking24 Glad you joined us on the Pledge.  It's a great way to stay accountable to yourself and stay on track one day at a time.


@Nomoresmoking24 it's a rollercoaster of emotions. Once you get past the hard days it gets easier. The mood swings diminish. You got this.


@Gail561 , I pledge not to smoke today and will extend my other hand to the next person in line.

Thank you for your hand @vicky_k , I gladly accept it as I say, Today will be one more smokefree day. I extend a hand to support and encourage the next Ex in line.

I pledge not to smoke today and will extend my other hand to the next person. Happy Sunday!


I take your hand and pledge not to smoke today.  I extend my free hand to the next to pledge.


@champsin97 I am happy to take your and and pledge not to smoke today. I extend my other free hand in support to the next person in line. Have a great day!


Hello @Metroguy I gladly accept your hand and pledge not to smoke today.  I extend my free hand  in support of the next to pledge.  Have a great day!!


@Blueeyes58, Good morning!  Thank you for your hand!  I pledge to not smoke today and extend my hand for the next person in line.  Have a great day! ☀️