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Sweat or no sweat

Sweat or no sweat , spring is coming  . 

If you've fallen off the bandwagon getting the goal for excersise a permanent life style change happenin , no sweat , spring is coming . It's a second chance at making the New Years resolution happen permanently . Who says New Years has to start Jan 1 lol . 

For me it started yesterday that I decided enough is enough and like smoking I am just taking one day at a time and doing it .  . I'm not looking at the future as much as I am looking forward to today . It's all I got and it's all the work that is required for today to get the job done. 

Weigh scales are not required . Just persistence ,perseverance  commitment and patience and gratitude "  Lets do this in a healthy way"  is my motto . 

Like quitting smoking I had a relapse . Like smoking  I let circumstances , triggers and the things that I had no control over take control . It's a negative response .  I m taking my power back and turning negative into positive . I have to do it for me, just like I had to quit smoking for me . 

I'm starting at the basics , back to just achieving small goals of time instead of fearing that forever word and facing the denial head on . I won't be or looking for excuses not to excersise, or blaming my circumstances on those circumstances or others . My quit is dependant on my attitude being positive

 No slips from this day forward ,"  I'm not going that way " another valuable slogan I will use to excersise .  Not doing leads to not doing and not doing again and that leads to relapse . My new comfortable will be "doing what I think I can't do "and the goal is just to " go to bed a winner " . 

Sweat or no sweat , I'm in it to win it .  Let joy follow as each day passes . I can do it , you can do it , we can do it .

                       ☀️One day at a time ☀️                          

Please join in if you want to , I'm open to that . We can inspire each other with quit slogans and memes , little successes and big successes , success stories and more positivity to make it happen ! No negative comments allowed even if you couldn't do it today . Negative never produces good results .   " Make a commitment to excersize as I have today and use the quit slogans you are using to quit smoking or add ones specifically for excersising .Share what you use . We are not maybe body builders or triathletes just Ex smokers who want a better lifestyle moving forward . Who knows maybe some of you are body builders and triathletes present or Ex and if not I always say it's never too late 🙂

Please check with your doctor . Let them know what you are doing . It's always good to have them on board . They know your medical history . 


SNS ( sweat , no sweat ) day 2

Have a good day moving forward everyone . 





Who Me Too'd this topic