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Give and get support around quitting


uh it comes! First true test of my quit!! How to prepare?

or "Squrilley family matters surronding a rag tag adventure to the Ukraine."

I am a few weeks into my quit and a few weeks from an international trip. The trip involves intense family issues, A LOT of travel time and vodka. I will be doing the majority of travel with my Dad, who drinks and smokes, increasing my probability of doing the same. Since I quit smoking I also quit drinking as to eliminate that trigger. At this point I cannot see myself succeeding at not smoking, at all. My Mom always warns me that it gets harder to quit each time you do it over again.. This quit was HELL!!!!!
I do not want to ever go throught that again!!!! Does anyone have some serious action advice? Besides..."just don't do it!" (Obviously!) It is so much easier said than done. I think I need an action plan.
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4 Replies

No disrespect to your mother, but don't let anything or anyone discourage you from continuing this quit. I relate to what you're saying. I don't ever want to have to quit again either. I deliberately remembered how hard it was for me so I wouldn't have to go through it again. I definitely know about family issues. I come from a very religious family and I'm the only one who smoked. I believe that you won't start up again because you've got alot of people showing you alot of love and support. Count me in.
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Don't defeat yourself before u go on your trip. Think of what you can do with the money you don't spend on smokes and reward yourself. I listen to music, I go for walks and hang out with my kids more now in stead of the front porch with a smoke. I am only on day 8. The first few days are completely miserable, but the benefits you gain are worth it. Hang in there...
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Thank you! I definetly need a better attitude. Somedays I feel stronger than others..(you know?) Today I am wrapped up in stressful events and this leads me to the feeling of giving up. Your support and kind but tough words are so helpful. When I hear that voice whisper to me to smoke, I will say "You've got the WRONG women!"
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Listen to yourself! You are setting yourself up to FAIL! I did the same thing back in July. My vacation to visit family back home was coming up. I told myself and everyone around that if I felt like smoking, I was going to smoke! Don't want to ruin my vacation, after all! I got all stressed, the kids in the back seat fighting, my husband couldn't seem to keep the car between the lines, we stopped for gas and I bought a pack and smoked! I waited and waited for it to make things all NEVER happened! I had a 12 day quit going too! The ONLY thing I RUINED was MY QUIT! I started my quit over when I got home, July 22nd, 50 days ago! Try telling yourself I WILL NOT SMOKE, NO MATTER WHAT MY FAMILY SAYS OR DOES! I CHOOSE TO SAVE MY LIFE AND NEVER SMOKE AGAIN! Stay strong! Think of nicotine as a mean, old dog! When you walk past this dog it can smell your fear, feel that you're weak and it will attack! Walk past that dog with your head held high, proud and sure and he will slink back into the dark corner he came from! But in the end, it's YOUR CHOICE!
Prosper in peace
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