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Give and get support around quitting

u can do it!!!

relaspe is normal .don,t beat your self up over it just don,t quit trying. i,m on my 4th week and 1 day. i even had a dream about smoking today .and i wanted a cigg  all day . instead of smoking i called a friend who quit a year ago.  its still hour by hour for me .but i,m not going to give in today.

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Congrats on your quit! And congrats on the smoking dream. Some people say that when you have quit for good the addiction sees it and tries to go after you subconsciously in your dreams. Yea! That should mean you are really kicking butt!

You did not say how long you smoked. For me it was years. If you can do so well in only 4 weeks after all the years smoking then you are doing great!  Give youself a pat on the back for me and NOPE. Never another puff ever! Be wary but reward yourself a little and acknowledge that the addiction is running under your control now even if a little!

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