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Give and get support around quitting


pretty new here

I'm Terri and have given myself a quit date of August 31st. How is it I can look forward to it and dread it all at the same time?
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6 Replies

Hi Terri, My quit is the 31 too. I am all ready practicing. Today I only had a few puffs. It is a fearful thing to give your best friend. But if is harminig you we must choose. I know it is hard. But you have set a quit date. In the mean time look for your triggers and ways not to smoke. GOOD LUCK
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Hi Terri,

I quit 3 days ago, kinda on a whim. I was planning on quitting on Aug. 25, but I was almost out of smokes the other night and decided I would smoke them all that night and try my best not to get any the next day. I went the whole next day without smoking, so I figured if I went that far I might as well keep it going. I can't believe I actually quit without planning it all out. I have quit a few times in the past and this time was entirely different. Easier! Maybe because I didn't have time to stress over it.

I do think quit dates are the best way to go though, especially if you have never quit before (don't know if you have). They give you time to plan how you will handle situations. A few weeks ago I started to not smoke in my car on my way to work. It was hard but I knew I could have a smoke on my break. That made it ALOT easier when I really quit. But this morning when I left work (I'm a 3rd shifter) I found myself reaching in purse for cigs that weren't there. I had to laugh cause it was so instinctual to light up when I got in my car. It was like I forgot that I quit smoking. That moment was kinda hard.

My advice, if your really stressing over the "big day" on the 31st, move it up and get it over with. Otherwise, stick with the 31st and take it one hour, one day at a time. Don't concentrate on NEVER smoking again, concentrate on not smoking for that hour, and that day. It won't seem so overwhelming then.

I like to quit cold turkey (without using nicotine replacement), cause afterall it's nicotine I'm addicted to, not smoking. It takes 3 days for nicotine to get out of your system and then your free. We will always be addicts and have occasional cravings, but the worst is over in 72 hours, sometimes less.
Make a list of all the reasons you want to quit and carry them with you. When your going through withdrawal you'll easily forget the reasons. Also... don't count on those around you to be encouraging. If they are, GREAT! If not, know you have perfectly good strangers like me wishing you well and having faith that you can do it! Good luck!

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and remember to replace it with many things. you don't quit a bad habit; you replace it. .............. and if you're going to be on your own for the Labor Day weekend you might want to try that quit day, but there's a zillion triggers with some Labor Day events, bbq's, reunions, etc. ................ the mental thing i've been doing to prepare is to start looking foward to certain things - like a food tasting fresher or my house smelling fresher. but i'm trying to remember some things, like what it was like to wake up without one, or how my mouth felt before i ever smoked. i'm really not sure what to do when i wake up anymore. it's like the eX commercial ... i tend to stumble around and not feel awake for quite awhile. good luck to you.
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Hey Terri:

I agree with Nicole, especially with the planning. I was in the process of planning my quit date. In "planning" I mean figuring out my triggers, doing more research on quitting, and figuring out what to do when triggers are tripped. If you feel you are ready before your quit date, then I would say go for it. I was going to quit September 1st, but after reading specifically what smoking does to the body and reading about others my age (early thirties) that died of cancer, I was more motivated than ever to quit Saturday. I don't think I would ever be as motivated, so I took the opportunity and haven't yet looked back with regret. I, too, am doing it cold turkey and find it much easier than I ever thought it could be. Don't let excused get in the way of your quit.

As a caution, be aware that sometimes triggers will catch us off guard. Last night I was getting ready to go for a bike ride. I used to have a cigarette before and after my ride (sick, huh). When getting ready last night, without even thinking, I went to go have my cigarette before hand and realized that I didn't have any. I wasn't having a physical craving, so it was easier to deal with this unforeseen trigger, but it did spook me a little. Don't know why, but it did.

As Nicole also said, you have a network of "perfectly good strangers" here to help you along. If you are religious, prayer always helps, especially during cravings.

Will say a prayer for you and let anyone know if you need anything.

God bless...
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You people are so encouraging. You really open my eyes. I smoked five cancer sticks to today. On the other hand I moved my quit date to right now. I smoked my last one an half an hour ago. A person must really hate those cancer sticks.They are a way to slow death. I would say you any one try like myself. Don't dread it. It only hurts for a little while. When I think of be able to breathe and home that does not smell like burnt weeds. Not mention How polute the air my wife breathes. I look forward to quiting Good Luck Terri.
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Hi Terri,

Congratulations on making this decision to quit. I understand the dread, the cigs were like a friend to me, albeit a deadly friend. So, four days ago I said good by to my "friend" as I smashed his little head in! So far, so good. I find keeping myself and my hands occupied really helps. And of course all the people around here are incredible. I just need to figure out how to invite friends NOT in my personal address book but on this website. See, right there, something to occupy myself with. Good luck, we can do this girl!
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