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Give and get support around quitting


okay folks

As I look at the big picture now and realize that there is some real preparation prior to quitting I find some flaws and fears going in. first off i'm scared to pick a quit date. I think in part its' due to fear of failure. But also I think the idea of commitment scares the hell out of me. Does that mean I really don't want to quit? Secondly I think without a rigid schedule to occupy down time I'm out there flapping in the breeze. Any1 relate? Thanks for all input. As a recovering alchoholic I value support. Jeff
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4 Replies

WOW! You must have the writer/poet gene also. Thanks and you hit the nail on the head in many things you said. It is so great to hear some1 else say these things back to you. Some of it is common sense but lets face it, when it comes to addiction you can throw common sense out the window. I'll keep my eye out for your entries and a prayer in my thoughts for you .Not gettin religous mind you. Peace, JT
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Jeff. I worked on my triggers one by one and separated from them before I picked a quit date. Somewhere in the second week, I picked a date. I needed the confidence of working on separating from my triggers (success!) before I wanted to commit to a date. It worked. I did it! This program is very good if you use it!
I have been quit for 2 Weeks, 15 hours, 11 minutes and 4 seconds (14 days). I have saved $51.20 by not smoking 146 cigarettes. I have saved 12 hours and 10 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 5/11/2008 5:13 PM
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Jeff, just quit............. after a week, you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner........ believe me..... It's been 3 weeks for me and I'm thinking, damn, if I quit when I wanted to at 50, it's be over 2 years for me now..........

you can do it, you will do it, and we'll be here to help.
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Hey Jeff, I had the fear too of the big ole bugger man gonna make me fail, but as I started it was not as bad as I was afraid of. I am a friend of Bill W., and have used those steps helping me. I got to the point though that I wanted to not smoke more than I wanted to smoke. Is funny how I would work out, and then a few minutes later light up negating all that work out. It seemed like insanity to me to do that, and after 42 years of smoking had to start somewhere, and am so happy to have this site of ex's here to help. Just know we are all here for you, and we are all here for each other with a common purpose of stopping. Hope this is a great smoke free day for you. Dan
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