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Give and get support around quitting


not ready-

I haven't stopped smoking yet I have to physic myself to do it-questtion is how ? I get nervous thinking about quitting and then I smoke.

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11 Replies

hello Lynda!

Glad you foun BecomeanEx. Most of us are very anxious when deciding to quit. There are many ways to quit and this site explores them all. there are also a few other sites that most of us have found very helpful.

 We also mostly hang out in the blogs (see at top of page). there people go to blog about heir feelings while quitting and get lots of support. We even have a bit of fun with each other there.

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i undertsand the pre-quit freak out too. i have tried quitting smoking quite a few times and still trying but i will tell you, your not alone here. i have only posted a couple times and plenty of folks have been kind enough to at least say they understand. I have gone through the same thing of trying to get myself prepared for quitting and then realizing i smoked even more than normal even thinking about quitting. Nicotine addiction is a strong thing. I have found the cigarette tracker tool helpful. Even though i don't get the chance to enter all of my cigarettes on here, i have a notebook at my jobsite that i write down the same information as in the cigarette tracker. Give yourself plenty of time to prepare, and keep on trying. Track your smoke and especially WHY you smoked, the more you understand about your triggers the more you can try to conquer them. Good luck and stick around, these people really are helpful, and really do understand.

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oh and, remember it is a very good sign that you are getting close to ready by the fact that you are even on this site. your getting there, use the tools and perpare, and once again good luck.

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Thanks for your input I hope I am strong enough to do this . I smoke more thinking about quiting too LOL- I been using patches but they only work great for the first day and then I smoke with the patch on which is dangerous I guess . I really want to stop maybe hypnosis ???

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I know it is not easy. I was hard for me. But when I started to see the price of a pack go up. I said it is time to quit. Once. I set my mind to it. It was easier to do it. It was like mind over matter. I did not mind quitting, so it mattered to stop.

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Yes you are right about mind over matter - that's for sure . Takes alot of will power and keeping busy is the key- I just have to put all these ideas into motion. Thanks !!

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Hi Lyndajg,

You may smoke a cigaerette when you think about quitting because you're unfraid of the unknown.  Smoking is a lot like a companion and you don't know how to live without it.  But really, who needs a friend like cigarettes.  You know that smoking is no good for you or you wouldn't want to quit.  Now you need to make a plan. 

I can't count the number of times I quit smoking.  My thing was, "this is my last pack," or, "on such and such a date I'll quit."  Sometimes I could stay quit for a few hours, or a couple days, but I always started back.  Well, I finally got tired of trying and decided to do it come hell or high water.  I smoked for 37 years and I've been quit for 47 days.  I'm still a newbie and I still have strong cravings, but I don't want to go back.

You can do it!  You will do it!  We're here for you:)

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Wow -that's great and keep up the will power which I am lacking now but it will get stronger I really have to make a game plan and stick to it . Thank you for the support !!

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That sounds so familiar to my quit situation Lynda. I would do the exact same thing in the last year before I quit. Thinking about quitting caused so much anxiety for me that I would light up. I was scared of the urges that I knew would come. What would I do without my beloved? How would I survive. I was scared to quit & I was scared not to quit.

I got some very good advice from a now dear friend. Let the urges come, welcome them & let them wash right over you. As soon as they come they are gone again. You must face them or you’ll never be free. The more you face them the weaker they get. An urge is not a command, it can do nothing on it’s own. A choice must be made to allow the urge to continue Lynda. The choice is your’s. We’ll be here to help as much as we can but you must do the hard part. You have to keep making the right choice & practice NOPE.

Not One Puff Ever

Mike n @lanta,
Smoke free since October 1, 2004

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