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lady G, my quit.. odd rant

I'm proud of myself. 9 days, I'm still eating more than normal...I'm going to do my best to maintain my "girlish figure" (mom of 2) wishing for these winter months to pass quickly so I can get outside more often to move around.
Something on my mind is the Super Bowl, how Lady G was shamed for her beautiful stomach. I thought she looked incredible, that her stomach was toned and how shaming her is just horrible. 

I'm small, no curves, but I have two children, two healthy handsome little men 3&5 whom I try to raise with values on how to treat women. My stomach has scars, 2 of them because I am blessed with being able to make healthy babies even though I can't deliver them the way most women can ... And stretch marks.... And with my quit, it's going to grow a bit and you know what, I'd rather have my famiky/friends/public comment on my weight than make a comment about the ugly unattractive cigarette hanging from my lips. I've quit twice, and for each quit I was pregnant. This is my 3rd quit and no, I am not pregnant , and no I won't be lol

People can be too quick to judge. 

But today I'm thinking about me, my health , my desires and my needs. I don't want to smoke anymore. I like smelling good, and hell I enjoy the heck out of washing my hair every 2 days and it still smells great! 

Not sure really what my discussion is really about... My quit , people judging , my increase in food ... Or the message that could be read as paying more compliments to one another.

For instance, tell a friend or someone who was nice to you " Thanks so much for being you."

Or "I'm proud of you" the list is endless...

It can go a long way so for all who are reading "thanks for supporting my quit , my journey and listening to my odd rant" 

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10 Replies

You know what, this is the right place for you to rant!!!

Congratulations on your 2 beautiful kids, and congratulations on making it here, and on the 9 days free of smoke!!!

You are in wonderful spirits, you are a happy quitter, please stay that way.  It will not always be easy, but if you have the right attitude about it, you will fly through your recovery.

We do recommend for you to get educated about the challenges coming your way, so you will be prepared to react properly and protect your hard earned freedom.  One place you will find a lot of documentation about what to expect when you quit you can find it at /blogs/ShawnP-blog/2017/01/28/welcome-to-our-community?sr=search&searchId=8fb9616c-b6a2-4157-920a-59...‌.  Please take the time to read as much as you can, and please come back and blog as often as you need.  There will always be someone here to offer a hand, a piece of advice, an answer to your question.

For now huge Congratulations on your decision!

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I thought she was beautiful, she is an amazing artist. I have curves and 3 wonderful kids! The most important part is that you believe in yourself and quit smoking! I wash my hair now, every second day. How funny is that? When I was smoking, I was meticulous and washing it every day. I love being smoke free! And training for my 5 k!

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Recovery is all about living our Values - and we get to decide what that is!

Weight cmes and goes but smoke FREE can be forever good!

Those little guys really need you to be Smoke FREE!

YOU really need for you to be Smoke FREE!

....So you can watch them grow and turn into Men and create Families of their own!

You don't want to miss out on that!

Rant all you want - just stick to your Quit!


Rant on, Rant on!  Also I question the judgment of those that are judgmental!  Enjoy another smoke free day!



10 days free and DDC double digit club! Congratulations! Lady "G" is not one of my favs. but that was one hell of a great show she put on for SuperBowl half time! I loved it!  ~Terrie~


Congratulations on your quit!


I didn't know anything about the body shaming until my daughter told me.  I remember thinking how amazingly toned she is and how talented she is and it never occurred to me that someone was going to find fault with her body OR her performance either.  She is one of a kind.  Some people like to sit anonymously behind their computers and judge the world, they are likely not too happy with themselves.  I find that the people who judge women's weight are very often overweight men, I say that from listening to them and I always wonder if they need glasses because they can't see themselves.  I also wonder why they think they have that right, why anyone would have that right.  I wear a safety pin on my coat and on my shirts for symbolizes that I am a "safe" person, if I see or hear bullying, I will step up and I will protect the person being bullied.  I actually lost friends in high school because I did that when nearly the entire school was making fun of a girl who walked across the basketball court during the middle of a game.  She was profoundly intellectually challenged and I was FURIOUS...I joined her and took her hand and walked her to the other side.  I was 17 years old and it is still one of the proudest moments of my life.  I did it without considering the consequences and I have never regretted it.

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We already knew you are a special lady, and I wish you were my friend while I was growing up and had been bullied all through primary/middle school because I was overweight.

You are awesome!

And so was Lady G and her performance!

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No one would have bullied you with me around, I just could never stand it, I don't think there is ever an acceptable reason to mistreat another person or animal...EVER.

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