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Give and get support around quitting


i'm a quitter

just signed up here and trying to quit....again.....
a friend bought me the patches today, so......well, you know.

i am more afraid of being an Ahole to everyone than anything else. not my first vise to quite, but this one is going to be rough. i have such an intimate relationship with cigarettes.....
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11 Replies

so do you try to take a shower in the morning ....grin

if you are willing to be teachable can learn to stop trying and start succeeding ....

not easy but it doesnt have to be hard either... you dont have to be an ahole but it is totally up to you and your attitude

there is an EX plan here that I suggest you try so you can learn how to overcome your triggers to smoke .... since I finally learned how to stay smoke free over 4 years I have also set up groups here that have posts and videos that might help you and your quit attitude get over the hump and make this a quit that lasts for you.

up to u .... but help is only a few clicks away

u can do it !
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thanks a million folks.....
doing good today.......
thanks connie, i can feel the power. today i choose to NOT SMOKE......
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Didn,t we all beleive that cigarettes were the be all and end all. It is not as hard as you might think, nor is it easy but sooo worth it. you can do this and we will help in any way that we can..PEACE!
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I had that fear too when I quit. I took my son camping on the Oregon coast my first week of quitting. I kept asking him how I was doing and he said he was surprised at how pleasant I was. He said he thought I'd be more grouchy going through the withdrawals. He was such a great support to me and that's how this site will help you. You may not agree with everyone or every idea of how others quit, but you take what you like and leave the rest. Whatever helps YOU in your quest to quit smoking. The best to you!!
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I had that fear too when I quit. I took my son camping on the Oregon coast my first week of quitting. I kept asking him how I was doing and he said he was surprised at how pleasant I was. He said he thought I'd be more grouchy going through the withdrawals. He was such a great support to me and that's how this site will help you. You may not agree with everyone or every idea of how others quit, but you take what you like and leave the rest. Whatever helps YOU in your quest to quit smoking. The best to you!!
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i have not been that crazy! wow!!! i think i am just grateful to not put that crap in my body.....i seem to have more focus, and THAT is very cool.....i have just kicked myself in the ass for so long, knowing i don't have to smoke, gives me some peace. it's weird.....

oh yeah, day two...
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Welcome to becoming an EX forever. We're all fighting the same battle here and, trust me,we ALL know how you feel! I'm on day 24 and it's still a challenge, but I look at it one cigarette at a time. If I can just get through the next one, I'll be fine. So far it's working wonderfully. Sometimes I'm cranky but, with the patches it's really not bad at all. I'm still on the 21mgs patches and I'll stay on them til I'm ready to step down or take them off altogether. You do whatever you have to do to quit and stay that way, cause it really is one of the most important fights of your life.
I am so proud of you that you've decided to quit and we are all here for you whenever you need us. Try logging in at least once a day, if you can, cause that helps you stay least, it has for me.
Best of luck to you!

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Hi there! Just want you to know that I'm coming up on 2 months. The very first day I came here, Connie was here giving me the same advice! She saved me from that mental torment, by making me realize that thinking about it just makes it worse! Smoking is not an option is my mantra! It leaves me no room for excuses and stops me from thinking about it!

The more positive thoughts that we can pump into our heads, the easier it becomes!! If you put a rubber band around your wrist and give it a good snap when you have a craving, you'll see that the rubber band hurts, but cravings don't!

Being a non-smoker does give us so much freedom! We are no longer slaves to the cigarettes which slowly kill us! How awesome is that? Keep it up -- 2 days is awesome! Take it one day at a time! Way to go!!!
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