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Where are you today?

Today, I am day 160!!! I have been in many of your shoes and it is not always up. However, it is not always down either. 

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Thank you all. It has truly been a great journey thus far. Loving the fact that I am not battling the cravings or really have any. Maybe just once a week I may smell the "good" smoke not the Stale and be like....Yum that smells good, but glad I don't feen (not sure on spelling) for them!!!!

With my hubby still smoking & raising to children I could make any excuse I would want to start back up. It is a choice not to. Why? Because I own this decission & I am not allowing anything to CONTROL ME!!!!!!!! But me! Protecting my quit is all I focus on.

I yell, cry, and throw temper tandrums at time....guess what??? Sometimes I am not able to deal with society in my fresh quit...maybe attitudes are too hard to deal with right now....maybe personal space is being invaded...Either way, I have the right to pull away, close off the outside world for a bit so I can keep my cool.....Trying to find a new way to "deal" is not easy. Cannot act a fool & throw physical/emotional punches, so sometimes doing/saying nothing is what NEEDS to be done.

GIVE YOURSELF TIME TO HEAL & COPE!!!!! I was 15 smoking and quit for the first/last time just months before I turned 34!!!! 18 yrs with covering up pain, anger, saddness, stress, and whatever else could be under my shell. Same with all of us!!!!! Don't expect miracles other than God has given us breath. We are a working process!!!!


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