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Wellbutrin users?

I haven't posted here in a while, but I found my abilities to quit to be very difficult. I found out my lung capacity is not as great as it should be for someone my age, and I tried to quit cold turkey, but due to my high stress life, it made my life worse and I thought I was going to push my boyfriends head into the wouldn't have worked out very well. I went to the school doctor to ask for chantix, but instead she gave me a prescription for wellbutrin. I was just wondering if anybody here has used it and if there is anything I should know before taking it?
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11 Replies

Dear Marilyn: Don't know if you're referring to me, Karenj, (just added the "j"), or ???? But I'm responding anyway. I have taken wellbutrin now for two attempts. It always helped the quit smoking attempts, but this time around I'm actually taking it full on to help make this a permanent quit. I, too, wound up with gas and farting, but felt it was more due to my body expelling excess carbon. The heartburn left me as well after a few weeks. I believed that both were primarily due to the smoking, not the wellbutrin, but it's different for everyone. Last time, I only quit for two months, but realized at some point that I was no longer gassy, farty or using my inhalers at all. What got me back on the drag was stress.
Also, as a smoker, I was more prone to eat junk food (salt, sugar and fat)--anything I could taste. This time, I'm eating heathier--fruits, nuts, raw veggies, fish, less fat content beef, less coffee and more CHOCOLATE! And, yes, the chocolate can be a boon or a bane. Good luck. Karenj
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I used wellbutrin on one of my quit attempts. It works as long as you keep taking it. My problem was it started to upset my stomach and i got hives..therefore, couldn't take, therefore, smoked. The patches are the only thing that i've been successful with. It's a weaning process, your body get used to be a non-smoker gradually, i'm 7/12 weeks smoke free now and i'm happier than i've ever been.

My husband tried chantix, again, you're ok as long as you're taking the meds...but how long can you take them? forever? that was my issue, with the patch, there's an end to it, and you're smoke free the entire time.

I don't know, try wellbutrin it may work for you. I was not successful at it, but it doesn't mean that you won't be.
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