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Give and get support around quitting

Weight Gain

People quitting smoking often use food as a dopamine substitute as well as something to do with their mouths.

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Music, Exercise, (Chocolate), And Hobbies

Also Release Dopamine.

Frozen Grapes Are Great.

The small individual gelatins (25cal)

and popscicles are also good choices.

(You can make your own)

Hungry Yet?

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6 Replies

I also remember you finding a reference that stated that simply LOOKING at scrumptious food releases dopamine.  You don't even have to eat it.......'course - who can RESIST chocolate???


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[licking my computer screen]

Recipe, Please!  What are those?  Mac & Cheese Corn Curls?

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Mac N Cheeto's

google it

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Got it!  Gettin' 'em!


I need to look at chocolate like YoungAtHeart

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I'm always looking for a natural dopamine high (smoking really messes up the system) like crossing things of a list, chocolate, excerise (haven't tried that too much yet) etc. I'm slowly trying to change up my eating habits of crap food. When I quit I turned to carrots and cucumbers and more healthier stuff. Crunchy stuff. I still gained weight regardless as I was a bit chubby before quitting. You have to gain a lot of weight for it to be impacting and if I do snack bad here and there it beats smoking