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Weekend worries

Facing my first smoke-freedom weekend and feeling anxious and worried. I had only been smoking 3/day on weekdays for the past 2 months, but the weekend was my free space to smoke more. I'm working out, staying busy, meditating and chanting, using my nicotine lozenges but I'm still freaking out a little that the wide-open weekend will make me slip. Suggestions? 

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Have you read the 101 things to do list ?

I just responded to your other post perhaps something there may help you or inspire you to create a new plan for your weekends . Don’t spend time worrying replace it with something to do , now you don’t smoke .  If you live in the city there is generally lots of free places to visit , walk , see . Even window shopping . Try checking out something new this weekend . You have this site with you on your phone if you need us . 


@Anonymous and @Barbscloud Thanks for reaching out! Yes, I read the 101 things list and I already do a lot of them. My trouble is that I get bored easily, so my repertoire will take me only so far and then my mind says, "Well, you've tried everything and nothing is working, so you might as smoke." Sometimes I hate my mind. Maybe the nicotine lozenges should come with a frontal lobotomy?! 


I need a frontal lobotomy I'm at the beginning of my quick journey and I'm having one it's the middle of the damn night and I can't help it

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@Nuttybooker I was trying to throw some humor up in here about the frontal lobotomy, but it's really true. If we could just get our minds to cooperate, the quit journey would be so much easier. Hope you made it through your middle-of-the-night battle and didn't smoke. But if you did, hop right back on the quit train with us and we'll do this together!!


@Nuttybooker Did you get through last night? How is today going for you? Instead of the lobotomy, I bought nail polish at Walmart as a treat. Haven't painted my nails in years and they look like crap, but it took my mind off smoking.


@ronibeach You can do it.  The important thing is to plan what you'll do instead of smoking.   Keep moving, go somewhere that smoking isn't permitted (the mall, a movie, etc.), play video games, etc.

And stay close to the site.  Read material and reach out if you need some support.  

Having a plan will help to alleviate the anxiety. 


@ronibeach create a plan as you head into the weekend.  Personally I got A LOT of cleaning done that first weekend.  When you’re feeling good and smelling good from not smoking, it can jump start a whole spring cleaning moment.  Maybe a list of cleaning tasks that you can cross off one by one will keep you distracted and having you feeling good each time you check one off?   I have to admit that the cleaning frenzy has unfortunately worn off, lol but boy did my house look good the first two weeks!

I also have found that going for a walk or exercising in some way in the morning really helps my quit stay strong.  

Good luck - you CAN do this!!



@Livebetter2023 Thanks for the advice! I usually just use dim lighting to hide the dust, but it may be time to give cleaning a shot.

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It’s very normal for our minds to be fixated on something that we are denying it .

I noticed when I first quit I saw people smoking everywhere , much more than usual , today I never see anyone smoking because my thoughts are no longer there .

Just hang in there. If your mind knows you won’t smoke no matter what it has no choice but to discover something else you can do if you allow it to . 

My concern is that you have been feeding it on weekends , so it’s my thoughts it’s expecting you will feed it . I think personally you have to break free of that and when you do your addiction won’t fight you so much . JMO .  

I see you are using one NRT , I did not use NRT  so speaking here with others who have used NRTs may be able to advise a bit more than I .  I believe there was recently a blog about NRT by Mayo clinic you may find helpful . @Barbscloud Would know more on NRT. If you don’t smoke maybe adding a second NRT in combination with the losenges might be the solution , but again I prefer not to advise on NRT not know them well enough .