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Watching nature is better than smoking

I tried to post this in status update but it won’t let me post a picture again so I will post this here. Just to the left of the hummingbird feeder you can see a hummingbird getting sugar water. I don’t know how many hummingbirds we have but I see a lot coming and going.  I was making some strawberry jello and saw the hummingbird out the window. Watching nature is better than smoking.      

Hummingbird 6-20-17.jpg

239 Replies

Fox Squirrels are SO COOL.  There was one here a couple of years ago.  Blew my socks off!  Wish he'd come back.  And jealous as all get out on your barred owl!  I have never seen an owl in the wild.  Great shots!

Now I've gotta share another one...



That's a pretty shot.

There is a Great Horned Owl around here also.  I have been trying to get a photo, but it's hard.  They come out late in the evening.  My husband found one of its wing feathers the other day.  That feather is huge.   

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Giulia Beautiful picture I wish I had a better camera to take pictures but I don't have the money now to get a really nice one to take photos. 

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These are pictures taken at our old house the deer were always at our house. 

This deer was looking at me when I was in the kitchen cooking at our old house. I opened the door and gave her a piece of bread and she was happy. 

deer at side door.jpg

This was at the side door to the kitchen at our old house. She got a piece of bread that morning.  

Deer at the side door with her baby.jpg

This picture was at our old house in the back yard.



I would have had a really hard time moving from that house.  That doe and fawn are so awesome, and to have them come to your door like that would be a dream come true for me.  Absolutely beautiful!!! 


IrishRose I do miss the deer at that house. 


I would have been wanting to crate them up with my other stuff to relocate to my new residence.  You were blessed by Mother Nature for sure!


IrishRose Yes that is for sure. I will always have the memories. 

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@Christine_Aka_Legend, sounds like you need to go exploring at your new residence and keep us up-to-date of any wildlife you find.


IrishRose At our new house we are in now I wish I had gotten a picture of the green tree frog that attached itself to my car and rode with me all the way to the pain clinic and that was about a 50 minute drive. When I got to the pain clinic I was getting out of my car and it crawled up on my window and was looking at me with its toes sucked onto the window. I looked around to see where I could get it to safety but did not see any water source to let it go by. Then I remembered I had a zip lock bag in my purse with my medicine in it to show the doctor how much pain med's I still had and I put the tree frog in the bag and kept fanning air in the bag until I got home and back to the koi pond in the front yard. That little frog did not want to leave me I tried to let it go but it did not want to hop away out of the bag. My son put his hand in the bag and the frog hopped on his finger and just wanted to sit on him. It took about 5 minutes to get that little frog to hop onto a leaf by the koi pond and it just sat there looking at us and I wish I had gotten a picture of him now he was so cute. I had two ladies in the pain clinic watching me fan air into the bag with the tree frog and they came over to me they just had to see him and I told them he attached himself to my car and took a ride with me.  The tree frog was so tiny and had sticky little cute pads on his toes. I still can’t get over him getting on my car and going for a ride with me that day but he was put back safe and sound by the pond.  If I ever see that tree frog again or another one I will see if I can get a picture of him. I will keep my eye's open and see what I can get a picture of at our house.