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Give and get support around quitting


Tried to quit a million times, hoping and looking forward to this being the last!!!

I am 24 years old, been smoking for 9 years and trying to quit for 6 =/ I am on Chantix which really is a miracle drug aside from a few side effects. I have set and reset my quit date for years, and I don't want this burden and guilt anymore. I have had a pretty hard life, but this is turning out to be one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I am not craving now, but am dreading that time when it hits and my head fills with the million excuses to go back for just one. I am going to give it my all this time, because even though it may not feel like it at first, I know in my heart that its worth it. And I know that's why you're all here too! I hope I can be of help to others here!!
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5 Replies

i know i wish my insurance covered chantix
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Yeah, if I was still smoking, I'd be paying out about $330.00 a month! If you can't afford the insurance, check out other options like lozenges, patches, or cold turkey. You're paying more now to support your habit!
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you go girl, quit while you are young and avoid the wrinkles you would have gotten!!!!!!!!!
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I am 46 years old and have smoked for what seems like forever.. I have been smoke free for 6 days today. No it has not been easy nor have I been pleasent to be around but If i can do it I am sure you will be able to .. when you are really ready.. until then don't quit quitting .
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I quit a year ago...after 40 years!!!!! Yep!!! 40!!! I am so proud of myself. I used a fatloss patch...that I happen to me if you'd like more info.
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