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Give and get support around quitting


This Sunday is my Quit Day! I need help please!

Hi I am going to quit Sat night at midnight and I can use some support please!

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6 Replies

Okay I tried a clean quit no nicotine replacement but fell at first hurdle, got patches and so far 6hrs clean, also got nicotine lozneges for when I want a lot of nicotine to satisfy craving, now alot of it is psychological but as I am unravelling why I smoke see my (blog) I am still feeding my body nictoine when I have exlored my mind and feel stong to cope with my triggers and excuses and addictive behaviour, I will come of teh nicotine replacement. So I have a plan, which ever way you decide to go you are on teh right track this site is full of amazing people and I am hoping to become one, so six hours in adn counting, my blog is called sensitive soul adn there are postings today be strong, be brave and think of all the benefts rather than the downers (cos really there aint any). Sf

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Good Luck!!!!!!  I hear the bottled water and aids really help. Next Sunday is my quit day. Good luck you can do it!!!!!!!!!

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I tried on Monday, March 5th going cold turkey and didn't make it very well. I am trying the patch now and it has helped a lot with the withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Also drinking a lot of water and lots of exercise, mainly to just stay busy. This site is so helpful in seeing that lots of people have quit and been successful and so many people are supporting each other in the middle of their quit processes. I'm taking one craving at a time, one day at a time. Good luck!

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Today is my quit day and I have been in out of a nap for most of the day.  I have been a smoker for 30 years until today.  I know I can do this. 

So if tomorrow is your quit day we will be doing this together.  Prepare yourself for sleep, have lots of water, and you can do it!!! 

I have been writing lists of the positives of quitting and the negatives of not.  I have pinned them up all around so I can read them and I will beat this addiction because I don't smoke anymore!!!

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Fresh breath, breathing better, taking control back from the nicotine monster. We are all better than the monster!!! Today was my first full day of not smoking! Rough this morning, but much better this evening. I love chewing gum, and have found many new flavors to get "addicted" to! I have also been taking Chantix for a month now. Good luck to us all, I know I can do this, and I am sure you can too!

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WTG Robin we can do this!

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