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Give and get support around quitting


Third times a charm!

Hi all,

I joined three days ago and just learned how to introduce myself.  I have been smoking 35+ years and have tried to quit two times before, 12 years ago with Zyban (quit for 9 months) and six years ago with Chantix (never really quit).  So three times a charm, right?  I am back on Zyban and have been able to break most of my triggers like with coffee in the morning, driving, and talking on the phone, but the cravings are doing me in.  I was a pack and a half a day smoker now down to 5-7 cigarettes a day.  The cravings started about ewvery hour and are now about every two to four hours.  My quit day is 10 March.

I remarried five years ago and my husband is a gem, but he never smoked nor anyone in his family and has no clue how hard this is.  My dad smoked all his life and died of lung cancer 10 years ago.  My momt is my strongest support as she went through this with him a couple of times.  I am lucky I can call her most anytime.  Since the sequestration, I have been out of work and it has been hard to become a housewife after 50.  We recently moved into a mountain community in Colorado so there isn't a lot of social life.  My kids are both in their twenties and live on their own, one is in college and the other has Bipolar Disorder and is currently out of work.  So we are supporting both of them.  I need to feel empowered hence quitting.  I don't smoke in our house or in my husband's jeep.  Going outside is one of my biggest triggers and of course I love gardening.

Well, I am here to build my support group and get some help to get through this.  After reading through some of the blogs, I think I came to the right place.

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1 Reply

That's what they say... 3rd times the charm! You can do it! Have u tried patch or gum? That's what I'm going to try.. one week of each to start with. My quit date is march 30th... I had to give myself a little time to learn the whole process as this is my first try! I have been a smoker for 17 years now and I think that is long enough for me! Good luck to you! You CAN do it!
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