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Give and get support around quitting


The thought of quitting, makes me want to smoke more!

I've been wanting to quit smoking now for quite some time, but the problem that I have is that the very thought of quitting smoking seems to drive me to smoke more often than usual. I'm not sure where to start or how to go about quitting due to this issue. Has anybody else had this same issue? And how did you overcome it?

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11 Replies

Oh, I so remember that feeling...I smoked more and more as my quit date(s) approached.  I have to admit that I had more than one quit date but coming here and reading other posts and searching for feelings I had helped to put things into perspective.  I had to actually think about what smoking did FOR me and then think about what smoking was doing TO me.  It's an addiction and it will fight you every step of the way but you have to listen to yourself and not the nicotine.  You'll get there if you really want to.  I did not use nicotine replacement but I know a lot of people who have and say it makes things much easier.  I just got really sick and I was angry about the shortness of breath which I tried to deny for a long time.  I am way past that.  Good luck, read all you can to prepare for those things that will get in your way and may your commitment to yourself...FOR yourself.

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Me and you both.I'm getting worried
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I used to have that feeling really bad. If I saw a TV ad about non smoking aids I would light one. If others around me talked about giving up I would light one. Then I set my date carried on smoking as normal, no more, no less until the big day and just did it and, thank God, still doing it. You can too. Good luck

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This gave me a chuckle.  I guess we humans are all alike.  I stopped but started again 😞 but one thing positive, I realized a huge trigger for me.  I just need to stop that trigger.  It's going to be really hard but I am determined.  My quit date is approaching...

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Use the patch. I am on day 3 and I am doing it. I also use the gum when I need a little boost. And when I really want a cig I think about the tv add on Terri and I think that I don't want to die like that ! We can do this and we will do this !

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In 15 minutes I will have made it thru my first 24hours. Whew. I'm as Leary as I am hopeful. Its really one hour at a time right now, but I must say, the encouragement here is truly amazing 🙂 Best of luck to us both!
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get some lozenges from cvs i got the 4mg ones and ive been smoke free for 3 days

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Same thing here..I laughed when I read this.  The more I want to quit (and I do--I really do) the more I smoke. 

Starting over the last week.  I make it until 4 ish then boom--the craving kicks in hard.

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I couldn't agree more! It's nice to see I'm not alone!

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