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Terrible Threes

Good morning to all.  Anybody remember the term Terrible Two's for toddlers?  I remember the 3's being worse.  I am heading on 2 weeks (Day 9) for me and I'm not sure, but I do believe my mind is wondering towards the next leg of my journey because I feel "dread".  My last quit lasted 19 days (that was the third week).  Maybe my brain is reminding me that the third week is when I lost my quit due to fearful thinking.  I am fearful that this is happening again.  I am mindful that I need to be in today and not in the future, but this nasty feeling is pulling at me.  I just wanted to come to this site because I know it has been my lifeline.  I plan on getting dressed and heading out to work.  I also plan on coming to this site as much as possible.  I will pack a healthy lunch, get down on my knees and praying (Ellen's suggestion has helped), have gum with me and plenty of water.  I plan on redirecting my thoughts and remembering how much I coughed and choked when I was smoking.  I will also think of my family and how we are going to be celebrating my youngest daughter's graduation from college in the spring as well as the trip we are planning to Disney for her graduation present.  All of these wonderful things will be present in my mind to help me overcome this feeling.  But I could use a little encouragement on today's journey.  Thanks in advance.



40 Replies

Count the number of things you are doing differently this quit.  Why is it different? Keep telling yourself that this quit is different because....... 

This is not the same quit.  this is your forever quit.  You convince your mind of that and you will get through that 3rd week.


Greg, thanks.  I am not ignoring how I feel, but not reacting to it even if the moment is excruciating.  That is one thing different.  I am coming here first, which I know is different.  Thanks for your response.  Every little bit is huge.



MichelleDiane All really great advice my friend.  Figure out why you lost that last quit, if you can.  I did something this time that I had never done in the past.  I made myself a promise that I would be completely honest with myself about what I expected a cigarette to do for me...HOW was it going to make anything better?  The key was HONEST.  I really did ask myself what I expected whenever I had a particularly rough crave.  I answered honestly because the deal I had made with myself was to throw my quit away if smoking really WOULD help.  I knew that was risky but I also knew that being honest was going to help.  I already knew from experience that smoking never really helped me with physical pain, with stress, with anger, with sadness or depression.  Smoking never helped me with ANYTHING and once I completely accepted that...sure there were challenges over and over again and there were good days and bad days, absolutely NOTHING that smoking would have changed.  Smoking does nothing FOR us, only TO us...oh, and the prayer really and truly did help.

You are doing everything you should, you are thinking about things, you are coming here for support, you are saying just one thing that is tripping you HAVE to keep it in today.  Pledge to not smoke TODAY, no matter what.  Do that every morning as you hold the hand of another EXer and another one grabs your hand.  We have all been where you are, we have all struggled and there is not one person here who does not want you to succeed.  We are all here to help and to support you.





Thank you, thank you, thank you.  I am doing better now.  Have been busy all morning and just taking a lunch break with the healthy lunch I packed.  (Surprise not peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  Tuna sandwich and carrot sticks).  My prayers were answered as I have been on an even level for the morning into this afternoon.  I am practicing keeping it in the moment as well as redirecting as often as I have to.  You and everyone who is responding or liking is helping me tremendously.  I can do this



19 days was pretty good to what i was doing. I sometimes was lucky if i made it through day 1 or day 2. What i learned was if you really wanted something, you will do it. You can get through those rough times by coming here, phoning or typing a friend. Use your lifelines. Most of all, believe in yourself. I had just posted this on the train and it's fitting to post here.


It's simple yet powerful words.


Thanks ShawnP. 



Congratulations on 19 days.  That is awesome.  I often have read here that it is what's between the ears.  You an talk yourself in to something or you can talk yourself out.  It is what you choose.  Keep stacking the days one at a time.  Just  know that you wake up and go to sleep without smoking.  That is the goal.  You can because we have because this is doable.  You can too. 


 Thank goodness we can talk to ourselves freely..... Knowing we are in tune with our minds and the nasty "little itty bitty"   voice will not win.  You are a victor of every day or week you encounter.    An abundance of blessings to you.


Thanks anaussiemom.  That's why I come here.


Hi Everyone,

I wanted to come here earlier and thank you all again, but I was running late at work (secretly I am glad as it helped me to focus on other things and not my smoking thoughts).  You were so wonderful today and helped me achieve what I thought I could not do.  I cherish this site and all who are here.  I rooting for each and everyone as I happily hold onto hands in this journey.  Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.

All the best,


Day 9