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Give and get support around quitting


Struggling with self control

I've been trying to quit vaping off and on for over 6 months. I've used gum to help for several months but felt like I became addicted to that and couldn't cut it out. This time around my cravings are a lot less but I still break down and buy myself a new vape- even when I'm not craving. Vaping just seems part of who I am and how I spend my free time. Any tips with self-control or ways to fill time that doesn't include vaping? It's almost like this is a safety net for me that makes me feel safe and comforted when I'm alone.

11 Replies

@Abracadabra Welcome to Ex! Addicts use drugs to feel better and to keep from going through the discomfort of the withdrawal symptoms from their choice of drug. You're addicted to nicotine like the rest of us here at Ex. The good news is you can learn about addiction to nicotine and what your triggers are and how to beat them. It's a difficult process and it is very uncomfortable at times, especially in the beginning. If you make a commitment to be uncomfortable for as long as it takes, you can beat the addiction. Believing vaping is who you are is a lie the addiction is making you believe. I bet killing yourself and wrecking your health isn't what you think is a good way to spend your free time? Most of us feel exactly like you in this regard but we learn through help and education from our friends here on the site. 

This "support" area on this site is such a DEAD END in my opinion and new folks Just finding their way to the site have no idea that this is one of the areas that widely goes ignored by the community. I think it's a dangerous spot for folks hoping for support. It's an oxymoron. I would get rid of this section if I had my choice but it's not. So many times people post here and it goes unnoticed. I wonder how many we could have helped?

I suggest posting under the blogs/Journals area of the site where most people post. It's sort of the main drag for the community members. You will get more support there and long time quitters will be able to help get you started with reading materials and lots of education to help  you get your bearings.

Write a blog/journal  like this one to introduce yourself. This is a great community of folks to help you but this particular area feels like a black hole. Can you tell I despise this area of Ex?😵💫


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@Abracadabra I am sorry you are struggling with your vaping. If you go to the "blogs" section and read and post there you will get more help. You can also type "vape" in the search bar and can see advice that way,too.




You're not alone, @Abracadabra  One study reported that 63% who vape want to stop for good, with roughly a quarter making an annual attempt.  As so many who were encouraged to "try" ecigs discover, what's the cure for the cure?

As Kimshine notes, we're REAL drug addicts in every sense.  And the neo-nicotine industry's goal is to keep you hooked and using until the day you die.   As for getting hooked on the gum, it happens to "successful" quitters more frequently than disclosures acknowledge.  There again, what's the cure for the cure?

First, living from fix to fix is NOT who you are.  Nicotine dependency recovery is about arresting your underlying dependence.  In that knowledge is power, if interested, I encouarge you to read and sleep on the following:  

100 quit vaping tips
Smart Turkey
Freedom from Nicotine - The Journey Home
Never Take Another Puff

John R Polito
I am a contributor to WhyQuit and am willing to assist with those interested in Cold Turkey quitting. I am posting of my own accord with permission from WhyQuit.

@Abracadabra Welcome to the Ex.  Nicotine is an addition no matter how's it's delivered.  That's why you're struggling to quit. Vaping/smoking has become a part of every aspect of our lives, good or bad.

It's not easy and it does take work on your part.  There's lots of material on this site to help you learn how to quit.   Understanding this addiction is the first step.   Then creating a quit plan on how to move forward without vaping is key.  Identify the tools you'll use and creating new associations instead of vaping.

There are different ways to quit with or without an aid.  Were you following the directions of the gum?   It's not meant to be chewed like regular gum.  Whatever you decide, you can do it.  

Pick a quit date an join us.  We're here to support you.   When you think about going to the store to buy more, is the time to reach out for help.  Give us a chance to talk you down off the ledge.  It worked for me several times early in my quit.





Thanks everyone for your comments. Today is my new quit date so looking forward to pushing through this time.


@Abracadabra That's great. Stay close!


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Rethink self control because self control is not really a quitter's best friend. In the loneliness of just going without, we start romancing the addiction. But quitting is really about relearning life. We all once got by very easily without using nicotine and that is the place we get back to one day at a time. So what do you replace self control with? Well, obviously self control has a little bit to do with quitting, but the nuts and bolts of quitting (especially at first) are about behavior change.

Many of us wanted to quit as if nothing would be a bother at all. As if we could just make up our minds to never smoke (or vape) again. To decide to never smoke again has very little to do with quitting (yes there are a few quitters who made one final decision and felt strong and happy evermore, but not most). What helps a quit work is to take it one day at a time and to work your quit each day. 

Most quitters make a mental or written list of all the things they are willing to do other than  smoke/vape and then use it once they quit. The list is yours to make. You know yourself best and you know what things you could do to get your mind off of vaping. Usually the things we choose to do help us along bit by bit until we no longer are under the delusion that the drug is special--that we must have it. It is a delusion caused by dependency. Breaking that dependent thinking is a full time job at first, but you absolutely can do it.

Stick with Ex, your quit family. Keep sharing, keep learning.

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Off-Topic discussion has been moved to Community Help for further discussion. We appreciate feedback, please don't hi-jack topics with side conversations.

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@Abracadabra How are you doing?

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