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Give and get support around quitting


Struggling on day 1

So I picked today as the day, I probably should’ve picked yesterday as today I’m working from home and I live with 2 smokers who smoke in the house and are not supportive at all, and are actually the exact extreme opposite.  Yesterday I was in the office I felt great! I was at work and where I normally have 1 an hour and had 3 all day. Last night about 2 hours before bed I had my last one. I was great I felt great. I want this. I need this. I can do this. Wake up today and it’s been nonstop wanting one it hasn’t abated at all. I’ve paced. I’ve done yoga. I’ve tried reading, knitting, eating. I’ve brushed my teeth 3 times. They say the craving only last 5-15 minutes but it feels like it’s been 4 hours straight. And I don’t know what to do 😫

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28 Replies

Good for you for posting! Here are a few things you might try:

Bite into a lemon, peel and all

Stick your head in the freezer 

Chug a glass of ice water

Say the alphabet backwards

Snap a rubber band on your wrist

I hope your craving has passed by now!



@Yarngoddess Glad your reached out.  That's the best thing to do.   They're many things to do to help with not smoking.  I used Sour Patch Kids and chewing on straws.

If you can take a break, go for a walk, even a short one, is a great way to refocus your thinking and to get a boost of dopamine.  Replacing  lost dopamine, the feel good chemical,   is important.  You can listen to music, dance, any type of exercise, etc.

And don't forget deep breathing exercises.  They help with many stressors in life.


I don't envy your living with smokers, but other quitters here have done it.

Remember it's your quit, no one else's but can you ask them not to smoke in the house and please don't leave cigarettes around to tempt you.

We're here for you.   One day at time or even one minute  is your goal for today.

Stay strong.  You can do this.





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I’m sorry , this is my first time meeting you . Are you doing a cut down method , are you taking an NRT to help . From experience in my own quit I know that feeding my addiction caused me to want more cigarettes .I know from experience in my own quit , cutting down did not help , I know from experience I found a way out even when I tried NRT . All of us are different . If cutting down helps you then keep doing what you are doing and give it a chance but know it’s not the only way to quit and you may benefit by cold turkey or NRT . You know you best .
I hope you can do an assessment of your craves. As you mentioned you seem to be able to handle them better when you are not at home around other smokers . What can you do to help with that at home situation where the smokers in your life are not supportive or understanding .Is their any room for talk . Can you find yourself a time out or a room where you can have of smoke free privacy ? Can you go to  the gym or places where smoking isn’t allowed after work for an hour or two that you will enjoy and it can help shorten the time you have to be around smokers .Would they consider smoking outside ( if they smoke inside ) can you write a letter to them , there are examples on line in how to ask for support when you are quitting smoking . 
Craves for me like you all ran together some days as well . Mornings especially . I did most of my smoking in the morning ( likely half a pack ) so only natural they ran together a bit more . You seem to smoke more in the evenings after work .. come up with a distraction plan , a delaying plan , have plenty of water or electrolyte drinks or tea on hand . Practise breathing ( it’s like an act of smoking but not smoking , and discuss perhaps by journaling in private or with other smokers like us who do understand . Cinnamon helps with cravings . Have a book in your quiet space and some fresh fruit and vegetables in a basket for your privacy spot . You deserve a smoke free zone and your friends are so lucky t9 have you because I think you will succeed at this and eventually they too will follow suit when they are ready . This quit is for you . Welcome and congratulations on day one / a win in my books . It’s the best decision ever . 


If a crave is lasting that long, it means you have allowed it to hijack your thoughts.  You cannot allow those thoughts to rattle around in your brain unchallenged.  Challenge them by getting your mind on something, anything else.  Get distracted, get busy!  Some good ideas above, and I gave you a list of 101 things to do instead of smoke.  Take a look at it and write down a few that you might do.

This is WORK in the early days, but it does get easier as you get some time under your belt.  Take it an hour at a time  now, then take the next one.  You CAN do this!



Do something nice for yourself, a little pampering to get you through this.  Treat yourself really well the first 3 weeks.  Right now, it is work, and you have to stay vigilant.  Read about COPD, lots of information in here about that.  It is a reminder of why you are quitting.  I wrote helpful phrases over and over and over, to inspire me and keep my hands busy.  Allen Carrs book reminds us that we are not GIVING UP anything, we are GAINING freedom from nicotine, the evil drug.  You already know that smoking that one cig will not end your craving.  If you have one, you will have another and you will keep feeding the monster.  Now would be a good time to pray.


How are you doing this evening @Yarngoddess

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I’ve made it through the day. I kept telling myself this won’t last forever and I don’t want to go through this again! It’s been 22 hours. Here’s hoping tomorrow is a little easier. 



Congratulations on Day WON!

Keep going!
