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Give and get support around quitting


September 23,2009

I've been trying to quit for a very long time, since December of '08. I had quit for awhile, a little over a month to be exact, then I had started up again. I kept that up for a long time, quitting, starting, quitting, "just one", or "I'll do it right tomorrow". Finally I gave up, and I smoked from August to September 23. I had found out I was getting 9 teeth pulled, so I knew I wouldn't be able to smoke afterwards, so I smoked up until the 23rd. Well I got those 9 teeth pulled (three wisdom teeth and 6 molars) on Wednesday. I have not smoked since that morning, nor do I have any desire to smoke either. I know of the serious health risks if I did smoke. I know about dry sockets, that they can be EXTREMELY painful. and my healing time will be slowed a lot. I'll be getting tooth implants in a few months, smoking and implants do not go well. So I'm doing this right this time. I will NOT smoke, and this will be easier than the other 300 times I'd quit this last winter and Spring.
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