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Give and get support around quitting


Positive Affirmations and Support

Don't feel bad Ali. I guess I could be guilty of the same thing. My morning was he** and I was talking to a friend who was smoking and although I didn't ask for a drag I really wanted too. Did inhale some of the smoke off it though. Didn't help the stress level. Got a lozenge in my mouth right now. They work pretty good at taking the edge off.
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2,921 Replies

Hello, Edith this is a great thing that you started. I have only been in Become an EX about 4 days now, and it really helps to know that there others that are going through the same things. I have been smoke free for 2 days, and it's driving me crazy. As long as I have a group like this it will make the quitting process easier
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This is great Edith. I have been trying to get through a whole day for over a month. What am I doing wrong? This is going to be really great. I need all the support I can get

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Hey everybody!

  I'm still a fairly new quitter - 13 full days under my belt - but I've found that helping others is helping me to stay quit... that and the fact that I seem to have roped in some of the most supportive people on the site!

  I think it's important to say upfront that it's not about getting it right the first time - I've many blogs here where people quit cold turkey and stopped for good, but also an equal number where people get it right on the fourth or fifth try... don't be discouraged! We all make mistakes - we just have to brush ourselves off, stand up straight and keep walking... 🙂
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Edith Thank you for everything Lillie
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I'm on my 32nd day with no desire whatsoever to smoke. Every day I remind myself of all of the reasons I'm so glad to be free of cigarettes. I really never thought I'd be able to quit so I'm really proud of myself.
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Today is day 6! I am so proud of myself. Day 3 was REALLY bad, but yesterday I only thought about smoking once and that's only because I saw someone smoking while I was driving through town. I've never smoked in my house but even the house smells better cuz i don't have my stinky clothes in the laundry basket, what a difference! Thanks for starting this Edith, great idea!
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I absolutely love Shanna's picture. I have learned how much I appreciate clean air since I quit.
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I am tired of failure. The on again off again life with cigs is depressing. Today is my last day as a smoker, been working the program, Tomorrow 11-10-08, I wake into the new day a non-smoker...for good this time! Got the patch, the losenzers, the coffee stirrers, and all of you. Ready, set...QUIT!!!!
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Wow! I am blown away! Thank you everyone! I have found that having a positive attitude really helps us accomplish our goals. I didn't ever think that I could quit. Well, here I am. I still have to pinch myself sometimes. I want everyone who comes here to make it. I believe we can!
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Edith...thank you for remembering me! Yesterday started out so great and went downhill after 6pm. So, I'm starting again today and admit I need help. My son may be my motivation to quit, but friends here are the support I need to actually do it. Yes I Can! Yes We Can!
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