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Positive Affirmations and Support

Don't feel bad Ali. I guess I could be guilty of the same thing. My morning was he** and I was talking to a friend who was smoking and although I didn't ask for a drag I really wanted too. Did inhale some of the smoke off it though. Didn't help the stress level. Got a lozenge in my mouth right now. They work pretty good at taking the edge off.
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I am calling you  to a life of constant communion with me. Basic training includes learning to live above your circumstances even while interacting on that cluttered plan of life. You yearn for a simplified lifestyle, so that your communication with Me can be uninterrupted. but I challenge you to relinquish the fantasy of an uncluttered world. Accept each day just as it comes and find Me in the midst of it all.
Talk  with Me about every aspect of your day including your feelings. Remember that your ultimate goal is not to control or fix everything around you; It is to keep communing with Me. A successful day is on in which you have stayed in touch with Me even if many things remain undone at the end of the day.Do not let your to-do-list (written or mental)become an idol directing your life.Instead ask My Spirit to guide you moment by moment. He will keep you close to me.
Thessalonians 5:17 Proverbs 3:6
Praise You my Lord and thank You for all your Blessings. The things of this world are such a distractiondaily. I need You to remind me of what is important and what should be let go.Help me to remember my Lord in Jesus name Amen.
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I am your best friend, as well as your King. Walk hand in hand with Me through your life. Together we will face whatever each day brings pleasures, hardships, adventures disappointments. Nothing is wasted when it is shared with me. I can bring beauty out of the ashes of lost dreams. I can bring joy out of sorrow, Peace out of adversity. Only a Friend who is also the King of Kings  could accomplish this diving alchemy. There is no other like Me!
The friendship I offer you is practical and down to earth, yet it is  saturated with heavenly Glory. Living in My Presence means living in two realms simultaneously; the visible world and unseen, eternal reality. I have equipped you to stay conscious of Me while walking along dusty, earthbound paths.
John 15:13 Isaiah 61:3 Corinthians 6:10
God sometimes remove people from your life to protect you. Don't run after them. 
Let us all pray for our neighbors in Nepal such a tragic event, so many lost lives. This world needs you Lord please come back and heal the hurt of  our world. In Jesus name Amen.
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It's all right to be human. When your mind wanders while you are praying, don't be surprised or upset. Simply return your attention to Me. Share a secret smile with Me. knowing that I understand Rejoice in My Love for you, which has no limits or conditions. Whisper My Name in loving contentment, assured that I will never leave you or forsake you. Intersperse these peaceful interludes abundantly throughout your day. This reactive will enable you to attain a quiet and gentle spirit, which is pleasing to Me.
As you live in close contact with Me, the Light of My  Presence filters through you to bless others. Your weakness and wonder are the opening through which the Light of the knowledge of My Glory shines forth. My strength and power show themselves most effective in your weakness.
Deuteronomy 31: 6 1 Peter 3:41 Corinthians 4:6-7 1 Corinthians 12: 9
Let us give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! For in our union with Christ he has blessed us by giving us every spiritual blessing in the world. Even before the world was made. 
Ephesians 1:3
May all our EX family have a blessed and wonderful weekend. In Jesus name Amen.
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Meet me in the morning stillness, while the earth is fresh with dew of My Presence. Worship Me in the beauty of holiness. sing love songs to My Holy Name. As you give yourself to Me, My Spirit swells within you till you are flooded with divine Presence.
  The world's way of pursuing riches is grasping and hoarding.  You attain My riches by letting go and giving. The more you give yourself to Me and My ways the more I fill you you with inexpressible, heavenly Joy.
  Good Morning Lord let us pray for all those in this world who do not know you and your everlasting love. May they come to find find peace, joy and happiness within You. In Jesus name Amen.
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Come to Me for all that you need. Come into My Presence with thanksgiving, for thankfulness opens the door to My treasures. When your are thankful, you affirm the central truth that I am Good. I assurance  that I am entirely Good meets your basic need for security. Your life is not subject to the whims of a sin-strained deity.
Relax in the knowledge that the One who controls your life is totally trustworthy. Come to Me with confident expectation. There is nothing you need that I cannot provide.
Psalm 95:2 1 John 1:5
Be strong and brave, Don't be afraid of them and don't be frightened, because the Lord your God will go with you. He will not leave you or forget you.
Deuteronomy 31:6
Thank you Lord for all your Blessings in Jesus name Amen
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Do not Search for Security in the world you inhabit, You tend to make mental check-list of things you need to do in order to gain control of your life. If only you could check everything off your list, you could relax and be at peace. But the more you work to accomplish that goal, the more things crop up on your list. The harder you try, the more frustrated your become.
There is a better way to find security in this life. Instead of scrutinizing your checklist, focus your attention on My Presence with you. This continual contact with Me will keep you in My Peace. Moreover, I will help you sort out what is important and what is not, what needs to be done now and what does not. Fix your eyes not on what is seen (your circumstances), but on what is unseen (My Presence).
Dear Lord thank you for another day filled with you blessings and love. In Jesus name Amen.

Do not long, for the absence of problems in your life. That is an unrealistic goal, since in this world you will have trouble. You have an eternity of problem-free living reserved for you in Heaven. Rejoice in that inheritance, which no one can take away from you, but do not seek your heaven on earth.
Begin each day anticipating problems asking Me to equip you for whatever difficulties you will encounter. The best equipping is My living Presence. My hand that never lets go of yours. Discuss every thing with Me. Take a lighthearted view of trouble, seeing it as a challenge that you and I together can handle. Remember that I am on your side, and I have overcome the world.
John 16:33 Isaiah 41:13 Philippians 4:14
I will call to the Lord who is worthy of praise, and I will be saved from my enemies.
2 Samuel 22:4
Dear Lord thanking you so much for BecomeanEX and all those involved in helping all of us who had little or no hope before finding this wonderful group. We know that you must have set this up special for us when you saw the need, which also led many of us to your loving arms. In Jesus name Amen.
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      Don't be so hard on yourself. I can bring good even out of your mistakes. Your finite mind tends to look backward, longing to undo decisions and have come to regret. This is a waste of time and energy, leading only to frustration. Instead of floundering in the past, release your mistakes to Me. Look to Me in trust anticipating that My infinite creativity can weave both good choices and bad into lovely design.
      (My past mistakes in many areas of my life are something I have a hard time dealing with help me Lord)
      Because you are human, you will continue to make mistakes. Thinking that you should live an error-free life is symptomatic  of pride. Your failures can be a source of blessing, humbling you and giving you empathy for other people in their weaknesses. Best of all failure highlights your dependence on Me. I am able to bring beauty out of the morass of your mistakes. Trust Me, and watch to see what I will do. In Jesus name Amen.
      Romans 8:28 Micah: 7:17

       Don’t be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God’s place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there. God, not your marital status, defines your life.
       1Corinthians 7:17

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Do not resist or run from the difficulties in your life. These problems are not random mistakes: they are hand tailored blessings designed for your benefit and growth. Embrace all the circumstances that I allow in your life, trusting Me to bring good out of them. View problems as opportunities to rely more fully on Me.
When you start to feel stressed, let those feelings alert you to your need for Me. Thus, your needs become doorways to deep dependence on Me and increasing intimacy between us. Although self-sufficiency is acclaimed in the world, reliance on Me produces abundant living in My kingdom. Thank Me for the difficulties in your life, since they provide protection and the idolatry of self reliance.
John 15:5 2 Corinthians 1: 8-9 Ephesians 5:20
Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.
1 Corinthians 13-4

Learn to relate to others through My love rather than yours. Your human love is ever so limited., full of flaws and manipulation. My loving Presence,which always enfolds you, is available to bless others as well as you, Instead of trying harder to help people through your own paltry supplies, become aware of My unlimited supply, which is accessible to you continually. Let My Love envelope your outreach to other people.
Many of My precious children have fallen prey to burnout. A better description of their condition might be "drainout." Countless interactions with needy people have drained them., without their conscious awareness,. You are among those weary ones, who are like wounded soldiers needing R&R. Take time to rest in the Love-Light of My Presence. I will gradually restore to you the energy that you have lost over the years. Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and you will find rest for your souls.
Esodus 33:14 Matthew 11:28-29
No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18