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 Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has issued orders.  All Bars and Restaurants (carry out still permitted) will close tonight at 

9:00 pm   Governor DeWine also stated school closing may be extended DeWine said he believes Ohio’s classrooms may not be able to reopen this spring to complete the school year as the state’s number of coronavirus cases continues spiral

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In Maryland, all schools closed as of yesterday.  Maryland bars, restaurants, movie theaters and gyms closed their doors Monday under an unprecedented order by Gov. Larry Hogan designed to slow the coronavirus outbreak, which he said is going to be “much worse” than most people expect.

The governor also said at an Annapolis news conference that the state is seeking to add thousands more hospital beds so the current facilities don’t become overloaded.

The mass closures took effect at 5 p.m. Grocery stores, banks, pharmacies and other essential services remain open.

Glad he is being proactive.  This is scary stuff.


Yes me too. While theres no one YET infected in our county they just announced a case a county away. We are going no where. We have everything we need. Grandkids here also for the next few days, everyone is healthy so far.. I am disinfecting continuously from toilet handles, doorknobs, light switches, knobs, latches cell phones, computers, remotes anything I can think of.

What scare me no is I heard on the news yesterday that people are out buying guns and ammo.....and this truly pisses me off that they can!!! Many are folks without any gun knowledge.. We are gun owners. My husband shoots in leagues and he used to hunt and we do eat what he hunts, but he no longer hunts. Just target shoots. He is certified/licensed . While we are gun owners, we are responsible gun owners Our are ALWAYS locked away in a huge safe and they also are unloaded at all times with individual trigger locks on all guns. I am very annoyed at the irresponsible laws that allow gun sells to anyone who walks in. the door. Thats scares me more than the virus. right now, anyway

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