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Give and get support around quitting


Noob with a plan (I hope!)

Just joined yesterday and still am not quit. I have NRT on the way so am establishing my quit date as the day after receipt of NRT. Not sure exctly when that is but very excited about it.  I like that stake in the ground rather than a calendar date.

4 times cold turkey was a fail each time but for a week or so. I am hoping that the NRT works for the trigger/crunch times. I hear chantix and wellbutrin work but have a bit of an objection to introducing one chemical for another. Also, not fond of the sides. Got on  the nic, get off the nic. I think I have my path.

Wish me well and success to you!

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2 Replies

Welcome and good luck! You can do thisss!
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Waiting for the NRT to arrive. The day after is my QD. In the mean time tapering useage in he suggestion of my primary care doc. Although not yet using the trigger/tracking tools, seem to bae having some success so far. I'm encouraged. Tahnk you for the support.

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