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Give and get support around quitting


Nicotine is on the list of...

The five most addictive substances in the world - CNN 

In fact, it's the 3rd most addictive substance in the world, just after Heroin and Cocaine!

Is it any wonder it's so hard to quit?

Is it any wonder the withdrawal is difficult?

Those who have braved withdrawal of heroin or cocaine in rehab had medical and social support.

Those who brave withdrawal of nicotine can also get medical support from their doctors, and social support right here.

Think of your smoking quit in the same terms as a drug addict leaving opiates behind.

Because it is.

4 Replies

The only explanation I can think of as to why this is not generally known is brainwashing by d@mn Big Tobacco.  This is a product DESIGNED to make addicts of all who imbibe.  Most EVERY person who picks up that first cigarette becomes addicted....and it is DESIGNED to do that.  It just makes my blood boil at the damage those people have done - and they did it KNOWINGLY.  I really do wonder how they sleep at night.  SHAME!

Just a habit - yeah right!



Thank you for the link, and that there is support here.  I needed to read this all day sometimes thank you!!


If there was a helpful button here for blogs, I would have been tapping away at it...there is so much support here, just like when other addicts complete inpatient programs and then go to AA or NA...this is a journey.



So sad, but true Annette...Colleen aka sweetp

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